Conversations Live (Group Spiritual counselling) - Dinner Series
Dinner Series
Upcoming Dates
Conversations Live (Group Spiritual counselling) - Dinner Series
Dinner Series
Upcoming Dates
Conversations Live (Group Spiritual counselling) - Dinner Series
What's Conversations Live?

Conversations Live is an initiative that enables us to offer accessible Spiritual counselling sessions in a small group setting. In these unprecedented times, Spiritual counselling can Serve as a lifeline to infuse stability and steadiness into your world. It’s an opportunity for you to participate in group conversations focused on examining the energetic dynamics presenting in your life, as well as in the collective. Examine the impact your decisions have on your reality and explore the deeper reasons behind the situations you’re currently experiencing, all from the vantage point of Spirit.

In the days of social distancing and tyrannical fear-based agendas, you have two very simple choices: allow fear to enter you as a contagion of complete disempowerment, or definitively exercise your free will to take your sovereignty into your own hands. Sovereignty is the only way you don’t lose your Soul. It is the only way that you maintain your connection to Source. It is the only way to exist outside of the stronghold of the cycle of forced reincarnation. All of this and more, we discuss in these small in-person group Spiritual counselling sessions. Conversations Live is designed to support you in working through the misalignments that come up as you acclimate to living in a +fifth dimensional (+5D) reality.

Why dinner?

The dinner series is a nourishing group immersion into the depths of Knowingness. This dinner series creates a safe Space in which to participate in the exploration of Self, while enjoying wholesome sustenance for the body and Soul. Gathering at the dinner table by candlelight, we dine together as we explore key themes emerging in humanity’s collective experience and how these themes mirror our inner worlds. The communion of dining together wraps the conversation in a blanket of warmth, rejuvenation, and relaxation — all elements that greatly support the expansion process. Conversations centre around metaphysical philosophy and its practical applications. This is a very social experience that fuels the human need for supportive community and collaborative interaction.

If the setting sun is your prompt to start revving up your inner engines, the dinner series is for you. People who enjoy meditating to the purr of other humans sleeping do very well in a dinner series. If nocturnal stillness heightens your access to your own Still Point within, consider joining us. If you find that your physical body awakens to strength that lays largely dormant throughout the day, consider pulling up a chair at the table.

Motive: Our motive for offering this dinner series is to Be Spirit in accessible form as we move through a planetary spectral recalibration.
Motive behind the motive: Our motive behind the motive for presenting you with this opportunity is to offer up a platform of courage and unwavering certainty for you to stand upon as you ascend into Higher Octaves of You.

Who's invited?

Soul Affinity

We’ve designed this initiative in a very specific way. Every group is composed of up to 4 participants. Groups are formed based on sequence of registration (on a first-come, first-Served basis). The group you start with is the group you end with at the conclusion of the monthly series. This way, you cultivate the energy of community together and get to know others over the course of the month.

In this process of getting to know one another, you have the opportunity to begin to identify the affinity that exists between you and the other participants (but you can only accomplish this if you come to the table as cause). From the perspective of Spirit, affinity can be identified at Soul level. Where your Souls overlap (similar to a Venn diagram), is where your crossing of paths can culminate in an amplified form of Service that you can contribute to the world together.

Note: As it happens, when two Soulful Beings with Sacred Contracts complete the Sacred Contract retrieval process together, they are identifying the nature of their affinity at Soul level. In the depiction below, varying degrees of Soul affinity are presented. In this case, Soul affinity is a measure of the degree to which Sacred Contracts are complementary in nature. Within this context, there can be complete Soul affinity, indicating that the two Sacred Contracts are perfectly complementary and neither contains aspects of Service Work that is comparably tangential but not directly complementary.

Degrees of Soul Affinity

Couples focused on deepening their connection can benefit greatly from participating in these dinners together. Friends who feel they are growing apart and realize opportunity still remains to grow together can gain tremendous clarity by jointly participating in a dinner series. These dinners also present a profound opportunity for business partners who Know the foundation upon which they build together could benefit from reinforcement, and perhaps even expansion. However, all this comes with an important caveat: in order to reap the rewards of an experience such as a dinner series, one must be willing to shed their roles in order to See the other (and themselves) more clearly.

Network of Consciousness

Conversations Live is designed to bring you community at a point on your journey when life doesn’t seem to feel the same way it used to. Many of you are finding that the connections you had with people in your lives are changing. The connections that were once strong don’t feel as strong anymore. Friendships may be dissolving, family members may be having a hard time understanding you. There are very real reasons for the changes many are experiencing, changes that may feel difficult to move through. You don’t have to move through them alone. Finding a community of others going through similar experiences helps clarify a lot of the questions running through your mind and can resolve a lot of the confusion and doubt.

These dinners expand your network of consciousness on this plane. Your network of consciousness can be defined as the connections you cultivate with others who also Know they are Spiritual Beings having a human experience, here to Serve on a large scale. From an energetic perspective, expanding this network gives you and all those in your network access to the collective Power of co-creation. From a social perspective, this network transcends the rudimentary professional networking construct of the old world and moves into the cultivation of Soul connections in a State of awareness, thus making it much easier to navigate the process of embodiment without succumbing to isolation in the name of self-preservation.

Participating in a dinner series connects you face-to-face with those people with whom you have the possibility of reestablishing age-old connections. With every Conversations Live you participate in, you access New opportunities to flourish in a reality we are all collectively bringing into form. If you would like to create your own group of up to 4 members to participate in a bespoke Conversations Live series together, send us a note to explore the options.

Benefits of the dinner series
Reunite in person with others of like kind to See beyond the illusion of the human story and share your otherworldly experiences as you progress along your journey of Remembering why you’re here.
CwS Live - Benefit of Strength
Get support as you navigate through the intensity of expanding into your Unknown with grace and ease.
CwS Live - Benefit of Expansion
Strengthen the Spiritual muscles of focus and stability as you invite the hermit within to take a seat at the table.
CwS Live - Benefit of Community
Identify your affinity with others at Soul level while sharing physical space, nourishing food, and the gifts of community.
Everyone who participates in a Conversations Live series is invited to join the Conversations Live Telegram thread. To listen to a collection of excerpts from our Telegram conversations that extend beyond the online and in-person series, click here.
Calling all hermits and introverts!

There are two very specific stages of the journey to Self realization: the hermitic stage of the journey and the community stage of the journey. This in-person series is an excellent opportunity for the hermits and introverts among us to gently expand into the social spheres of New Earth.

The Hermetic Stage of the Journey
When you are on the hermetic stage of your journey, your focus is on conducting introspection and Self Observation in private. You tend not to want to talk to people about what you’re going through until you can figure out how to put words to the abstract and oftentimes overwhelming aspects of your experiences. You’re not sure who will understand what you’re going through and you prefer to keep your internal struggles to yourself.

Eventually, there comes a point on the hermetic stage of the journey where you cross paths with someone who Sees You. The moment you recognize that you are Seen, you have a very important decision to make:

a) Do you open yourself to the experience of Remembering more of who You Are, as Spirit in form, with the assistance of Guides, or

b) Do you choose to maintain your hermetic seal and continue the journey in isolation.

Neither one of these choices is good nor bad. However, there are significant implications to each of them.

The Community Stage of the Journey
The community stage of the journey is appealing to you when you feel like you are in over your head and want support deciphering the otherworldly experiences you’re having. You want to be able to validate, for yourself, that what you’re feeling and sensing is not just in your imagination. You want to know that you’re not the only one going through the challenges you find yourself facing. You want to make sure that it’s not just all in your head.

People entering the community stage of the journey are often the only ones in their immediate social circles who are asking the deeper questions of life. You want to have people to openly and honestly talk to about the Reason for why you’re here and the nature of the impact you want to have on this world. You sense there is benefit in becoming more transparent about your Spiritual journey and you want to share your perspective with others of like kind. You’re also willing to draw from the courage within to take this step out of your comfort zone.

Neither of these stages is hierarchical. It’s not as though you eventually graduate from one into the other. Oftentimes, there are aspects within us that want both isolation and community. The very nature of the journey to Remembering is fluid and nonlinear. To avoid getting stuck at obstacles you don’t know how to resolve, having conversations with others going through similar experiences can really help.

Conversations Live is for those who want to engage in the community stage of the journey and return to socialization. It is an initiative to support you in finding your voice as you explore what it means to you to embody Spirit in form. Recognizing your Power as a Spiritual Being having a human experience can be a lot to process. Know that you are supported, that you are Loved, and that we See You for the magnificent Being You Are. Join us in these in-person conversations to explore how to navigate this changing New world with grace and ease.

Participating in these conversations is most beneficial for those of you finding yourselves in any or all of the following circumstances:

  • You feel a calling from within that urges you to Remember why you are here
  • You don’t buy into the current collective unconsciousness of fear
  • You are focused on living your life in the expansive, generous now moment instead of in the past or the future
  • You’ve recently reconnected to Source and are figuring out how to navigate your world with this influx of vital energy
  • You’ve recently reclaimed your Power (i.e., taken it back from something or someone that was syphoning you) and you are not sure how to stabilize at Higher frequencies
  • You’ve gone through a spontaneous awakening and everything has changed in your life, including how you define the way life works and you want to gain clarity on your place in this world

These guided in-person group conversations take place twice a month in Toronto, Canada. We meet for 3 hours in the evenings, just in time for dinner and discussion. During every in-person series, you participate in a total of 6 hours of group conversation every month. We post up new dates regularly. Below, you can find the current dates and times available. By joining a series, you are committing to attending each conversation. There are currently no alternative dates available if you cannot attend a conversation on a particular date.

Upcoming Dates

Recordings of all of the dinner conversations in which you participate are available in your private portal for further Self study.

Conversations Live (Group Spiritual counselling) - Dinner Series
January Dinners
6:30pm – 10:30pm EST

Sunday January 16, 2022
Tuesday January 25, 2022

Come to dinner
Conversations Live (Group Spiritual counselling) - Dinner Series
January Dinners
6:30pm – 10:30pm EST

Sunday January 16, 2022
Tuesday January 25, 2022

Come to dinner

How do we meet?
We meet in person in the Forest Hill neighbourhood in Toronto. When you register, you receive all the details on how to get there and where to park (if you’re driving). These sessions are recorded and the recordings are made available to you after the dinners, however you are welcome to also bring paper and pen if you like to take notes.

How do I prepare for each session?
Come ready with your questions. It’s really important that you understand that these dinners aren’t about us talking to you for a few hours while you take notes. Yes, we absolutely share fundamental concepts with you and offer you many breathing and meditative techniques to support you in your expansion. But! We ask that you join the conversations with a readiness to participate by sharing what you’re going through in your life with the intention to realize clarity and resolution within the safe Space of a small group environment.

Remember, this isn’t about sitting back and being entertained for a few hours at a time. If you decide to join the conversations, be ready to step up and take action to make significant changes in your life. Change isn’t going to wait for you to be ready. But change can be a very kind and generous agent of transformation if you are willing to step into the Unknown.

If you’re not sure what your questions are, consider watching some of our videos on YouTube. They might spark some insights and inspire you to Look deeper into certain areas of your Self. We won’t necessarily be assigning videos to watch or material to review for each session, though. This is a Self-directed process you are supported through.

Late registration
To preserve group dynamics, registration closes once a series goes live. Scroll to the bottom of this page to subscribe to our email updates to be the first to learn of new upcoming dates in the Conversations Live series.

You must be at least 18 years of age to participate.

There are no refunds for this event but you are welcome to offer your spot to someone else in your place. Please note, however, that it’s important to preserve group dynamics, so we ask that if you decide to offer your spot to someone else, you do so before the first date of the series.

Preservation of Space
In order to ensure the safety and privilege of the Space within which We hold these conversations, we reserve the right to decline registration to any and all who do not align with the Sacred Mandate of the Space.