Welcome to metaphysical bootcamp.
What follows is an explanation of what the Quantum Dojo is all about.
Walk with me.

You are more than your body.

You are more than your body.
Your body is a physical vessel.
A vessel is a container.
On the physical level, your body is Designed to contain your biology.
On the Quantum level, your body is Designed to contain your Consciousness.

Your Consciousness represents your energetic fingerprint — unique and distinguishable.

Your Consciousness represents your energetic fingerprint — unique and distinguishable.
Your Consciousness is like the driver.
Your body is like the car.

There is an association between your body and your Consciousness.
That association is established at Life Design when you pick your body.

There is an association between your body and your Consciousness.
That association is established at Life Design when you pick your body.
To Be Cause, your Consciousness has to be the decision maker.

To Be Cause, it is essential you navigate your body with your Consciousness.

To Be Cause, it is essential you navigate your body with your Consciousness.
The Dojo is established to raise your awareness of your Consciousness.

To Be Cause, it is also essential you Know how to navigate the Quantum with your Consciousness.

To Be Cause, it is also essential you Know how to navigate the Quantum with your Consciousness.
Everything starts in the Quantum.
Physical reality configures in accordance with how the Quantum is structured.
When your Consciousness configures the reality of your life from the Quantum, you live life as Cause.
When your personality configures the reality of your life from the physical, you live life as its effect.
Incorporating the Dojo into your life establishes a practice of Being Cause.
For more on the Quantum Dojo, here’s a video:
What is the Quantum?
The “Quantum” is an abbreviation of the term “Quantum Field.” It is capitalized within this context because it represents a construct outside of physicality.
Science studies the physical aspects of the Quantum Field. There is a theory called the quantum field theory. This theory examines the relationship between quantum mechanics and relativity to offer an explanation for the behaviour of subatomic particles within the conditions established by a variety of force fields.
When we refer to the Quantum, we are referring to the energetic fabric that composes this Universe. Having said that, the Quantum Field extends beyond this Universe. The Laws governing the Quantum are determined by the container within which it is navigated. A Universe is an example of a container. In order to isolate our conversation about the dynamics influencing us in this Universe, we focus our attention on the Quantum in this Universe.
Why call it a Dojo?
A dojo is traditionally understood as a secure place in which to immerse in meditative practice. Three key words here: secure, meditative, and practice.
Participants of a Dojo are not asked to frolic in the Quantum Field and come back with a summary of their activity. That is completely unaccountable. During a Dojo, a secure Space is established in the Quantum and that is where we practice. Rather than a simulation (where a replica is crafted), the Dojo Space is a delineated region of the Quantum in which there is no external interference from anything outside of this Space. In this secure setting, individuals can focus on strengthening their Spiritual Muscles of Cause.
Placing focused attention on very specific Action, done in awareness, in the Quantum is where the meditative aspect of the Dojo comes into play. Remember: meditation is focused attention. During a Quantum Dojo, participants place acute focused attention on specific tasks in the Quantum so as to develop their otherworldly Abilities Working with energy. For example, a key focus for individuals participating in Dojos is to make repairs and adjustments to their own Syzygy Connections. Rather than us doing those repairs and adjustments for participants (as is the case during Syzygy Check Ins), participants within this context of the Dojo are responsible for repairing and adjusting the Architecture themselves. Along with the energetic Work, participants also examine the cause and effect dynamics that result in their Connections being compromised so as to determine how to decide from a more informed vantage point as they continue to progress in their lives.
This is where the practice part comes in. Quantum Dojos are a highly beneficial addition to one’s Sacred Discipline. Participating in Dojos makes a tremendous difference in one’s capabilities to navigate and Work in the Quantum. With every Dojo, you return to the world with much deeper awareness of how your decisions influence your reality, as well as of your capacity to navigate it as Cause. During a Dojo, you are equipped with additional tools and strategies that you are encouraged to apply in your daily life as you continue to strengthen your Spiritual Muscles in every experience you enter.
What is Consciousness?
When Spirit decides to embody, the process of Life Design initiates. During Life Design, You/you establish the parameters of your life. As You/you progress through this process of Designing your life, You/you Work with a Team of specialists to compose all of the agreements you enter into once you deploy into your life. These agreements contribute to the Divine Blueprint of your life. Note that it is not the Blueprint that lives your life, and it’s not Spirit that lives your life either. It’s your Consciousness that gets to live out the life. It’s for the Consciousness that the life is Designed.
The character you play on the stage of life is involved in Designing your life (it’s the lowercase version of “you” that takes part in the Life Design). Spirit is also involved in Designing your life (it’s the uppercase version of “You” that also takes part in the Life Design).
So which one is the Consciousness: you or You?
Spirit (You) is a representation of Pure Consciousness.
Why didn’t that say, “Spirit is Pure Consciousness”? Because Spirit is defined as the whole, complete, and unique expression of G-D. Every expression of Spirit is as individualized as a snowflake, exquisite in its singularity. There are as many representations of Pure Consciousness as there are versions of Spirit ever Created. Consciousness at the level of Spirit is the expression of the formless matter from which You (as Spirit) Are Created, the sea within which You unify as One; It Is the all-encompassing, infinite, and ever-expanding Origin of All.
The Consciousness that deploys into your life (you) is the unique expression of You, as Spirit, living out that life. Every time you incarnate, you come into life as a different Consciousness (a different unique expression of You, as Spirit). Every time you reincarnate, you come into life as the same Consciousness.
What is the difference between personality and Consciousness?
The personality is composed of many factors. One of these factors is your body:
…and the intermediary between you and your ego (welcome to mind-FULL-ness):
Emotions contribute to the personality as well. They represent an interactive field in and around the body.
When emotions are charged, they are stimulated by thoughts, provoked by the ego, and influenced by the mind. Charged emotions can easily compromise one’s Syzygy Connection.
If emotions are not charged, this field becomes a Space of neutrality. Emotional neutrality is not the lack of emotion; it is the harmonization of all emotion.
All of these elements contribute to the composition of your personality. The roles you identify with on the stage of life, the accumulation of your lack of resolution from all lives, and the attachments you cultivate all add to the robust phenomenon that is your personality, among many other components.
Your personality represents the lowest denominator of your expression in a life. Spirit represents the Highest of your expressions. During Life Design, Spirit begins the decision making process. Every decision in this process forms threads that weave into the formation of your Consciousness in the life. At the completion of Life Design, your Consciousness is fully formed and ready to deploy into physical expression. Once your Consciousness enters into embodiment, your personality contributes to the life to varying degrees.
Your perception is either narrowed by your personality or expanded through your Consciousness. When you associate with life through your personality, you are coming from the lowest vantage point available to you, while still being directly involved in the experience of your life. When you associate with life through your Consciousness, you are coming from a significantly elevated vantage point that affords far broader and deeper perspective on experience. When you associate with life through your Consciousness, you Be Cause.
How does reincarnation influence Consciousness?
When an individual enters into a life via incarnation, they first go through the process of Life Design. During Life Design, the individual selects the physical body they have in the life and the Consciousness is mapped to that body.
This mapping process facilitates a relationship between body and Consciousness. The metaphysical Architecture depicting this relationship is displayed as a tether that Connects body to Consciousness.
In the process of reincarnation, the individual is allocated a body and the Consciousness is recycled. When a Consciousness is recycled, it essentially goes through the process of navigating many lives without interruption. In other words, the same Consciousness travels from life to life with no pitstop at Home between lives.
Without this pitstop, Life Review is not available, nor is Life Design. (Given that Life Review significantly informs the next Life Design so as to support the individual on its evolutionary journey, the loss of access to both Life Review and Life Design halts the individual’s process of evolution beyond the component of the curriculum of life focused on decision — the decision to choose or not to choose Sovereignty.)
In addition, when this pitstop between lives is not available, the individual is allocated a life in order to fuel the reincarnation agendas the individual is participating in, as well as to seed subsequent reincarnation agendas in the making.
What is the opportunity in reincarnation? It is eventually to arrive at a point of recognition in which the individual acknowledges that their Consciousness has the Power to remove itself from recycling. This decision may not reap results in the lifetime in which it is made. Having said that, when a Consciousness decides to remove itself from reincarnation, Trajectories of Possibility that represent exit strategies into Sovereignty begin to construct for the individual. These Trajectories of Possibility represent the various solutions that become available to the individual as long as they consistently make decisions in alignment with removing oneself from reincarnation.
Can the body also hold Spirit?
The physical body is Designed to be the vessel that contains both your biology and your Consciousness.
As you relinquish human experience and enter into the stage of your journey where your life is in dedication to Service, you begin the process of descension. Descension is the process of Spirit descending into form. (In actuality, it does not move from its coordinates at the Origin of Your Creation. It is actually the Pure Signature Energy Pattern of You, as Spirit, that begins infusing into your physical expression.) Another way of putting this is that descension is the process of Spirit embodying form.
This is an intricate and intense process, rich in nuance. It calls for drastic adjustments to the way one operates on the physical plane, including how relationships are navigated. Nourishing the physical vessel changes to accommodate the consumption of a different calibration of energy, your words change as you detox suppressive scripts and residue from inverted realities, and the illusion begins disassociating from you as you divest from it.
Conversely, ascension refers to the phenomenon of the lowest denominator of your personality purging limiting constructs that would otherwise lower its frequency in any given now moment. This purging process is, in essence, the elevation or ascension of your personality.
Enlightenment can be viewed as the marriage of ascension and descension.
What’s the difference between being conscious and being aware?
The phrase, “I am conscious of…” is grammatically incorrect.
I am conscious of my surroundings.
I am eating consciously.
I am consciously aware.
All of these statements are grammatically incorrect.
The correct way to refer to Consciousness is in the following examples:
You Is Consciousness.
Translation: You, as Spirit, Is.
Your Consciousness is in your body.
Translation: Your Consciousness associated with your life is in your physical body.
The reason why the first three sample statements are grammatically incorrect is because you Is Consciousness; you do not do Consciousness.
When people use the term conscious, they are trying to express awareness.
I am aware of my surroundings.
I am eating in awareness.
I am aware.
These are correct revisions of the first three sample statements.
The confusion between being conscious and being aware is a byproduct of the inversion of 4.
How does the Dojo relate to forming Earth 5?
Forming Earth 5 is a process of forming something out of nothing. To form something out of nothing requires fluency in navigating your reality as Cause. Your Consciousness has to be the one making the decisions in order for you to Be Cause. The Dojos represent a secure Space for you to cultivate the practice of Being Cause by developing your awareness of your Consciousness. The greater your awareness of your Consciousness, the more and more obvious it becomes when you are present and engaged in the Act of forming something out of nothing.
Why is forming something out of nothing an important consideration when examining the formation of Earth 5? Because the reality of 5 does not exist until those tasked with its formation follow through. Although it can be funded and fuelled by that which already is, a New reality cannot be formed out of something that already exists. The Act of bringing into form something that does not yet exist is not about reproduction. The reality of 4 mandates reproduction, for it is much more efficient to reproduce than it is to form aNew. It takes considerable courage to leap into the unfamiliar of forming something out of nothing.
Is there a prerequisite to participating in the Dojos?
Yes. Completing the Syzygy workshop is required prior to participating in Quantum Dojos.
Who is the Dojo for?
The Dojos are for any and all who align with one or more of the following:
You sense there is benefit in refining your Abilities to maintain your own Syzygy Connection on a regular basis.
You have retrieved your Sacred Contract and are aware of the counter in your way. With this awareness, you have decided to Be in a greater degree of Cause as you transcend the perceived limitations of the physical so as to better equip yourself to fulfil the Reason for your Being in this life.
You have identified that you have Abilities and are placing your focused attention on embracing and advancing your participation in the Quantum so as to Contribute to the evolution of humanity.
You have discovered, or you are developing a sense, that the nature of your Work is, to a degree, based in the Quantum. As such, you Know that gaining greater clarity on the resources and tools available in the Quantum enables you to Be in greater command of energy as you allow your talents to activate to greater degrees of potency.
You have Remembered your Attributes, have been applying them into practice, and are ready for an upleveling. Many who participate in the Quantum Dojos experience upgrades to their unique Abilities and discover advanced ways of using their Gifts of Mastery with greater authority, competency, and accountability.
You are aware that the margin of error is getting smaller at the level of the game at which you’re playing and you recognize that the cost of being out of alignment can be reduced significantly the more you are willing to Be Cause. You also appreciate that, in accessing the Quantum, you are refining your Abilities to Be aware of the nuances at play on the stage of life. In the nuance is the advantage. The more you refine and strengthen your fluency in navigating the Quantum, the more the nuances reveal themselves to you without effort on your part.
You have begun to appreciate the importance of the Twin Ray dynamic and, regardless of whether you have met a Twin Ray of yours, you are aware of the significance of strengthening your Spiritual Muscles for when it comes time to Work with your Ray in the Quantum. There are many specific Quantum exercises Twin Rays do with each other on a regular basis in order to ensure that the possibilities that exist in our future remain in our future. You have decided to make it a priority to advance your Abilities to Work with subtlety in order to hold Space for future generations.
Having said all of that, if you have read up to this point, it is highly likely that there is something of great significance awaiting you in the Quantum. As you navigate your journey of Self study, recognize that you find yourself on the precipice of a potential shift that can render much of that which you find familiar no longer to be of great relevance. Knowing that this is not a journey for the mind, the only question to ask yourself is whether you are willing to relinquish yet another aspect of the human experience as you transcend it.
What takes place during a Dojo?
Syzygy Check In
Customized assessment of Syzygy for every participant
Examination of implications of interference and/or interception of Connection (when applicable)
Soul repair (when applicable)
Participants make adjustments to their Connections (when applicable)
Expansion of chords (when of benefit)
Quantum Weave upgrades (when available) — Earths 5, 8, 12, 16, and 23 upgrades
Entity removal (when applicable)
Quantum Practice
Exploring different rules on a different playing field
Experiencing the roles steadiness, stability, focus, Stillness, and expansion have in the Quantum
Exercising Cause through the mechanism of decision (intention is a weak tool in the Quantum)
Forming something out of nothing
Integrity of design and structure of Quantum Architecture
Function and purpose of construct
Maintenance and upkeep of Quantum Mechanisms
Quantum Travel
Decision as the basis for travel
Movement versus relocation
Physical implications of Quantum travel
Signature Energy Pattern: identification, verification, interaction
Meeting participants in the Quantum
Navigation within Universes and Voids, across perimeters and peripheries, and within simulated Spaces
Construction and uses of navigation vehicles (Tunnels, Encapsulations, Trajectories)
In addition to the aspects of Quantum practice listed above, we also disclose Intelligence related to the dynamics of navigating 5, as well as of the broader landscape of Gaia’s evolutionary trajectory as it relates to individual participants. Topics of disclosure range from examining the Laws of 5, the nature of communication in the 5 reality, the forms counter takes to attempt opposing the formation of 5, and the impact developments are having on the seeding of subsequent versions of Earth.
Why focus so much on Syzygy during a Dojo?
The preservation of Connection is essential to be able to have secure access to the Quantum. Without Connection intact, access to Knowingness is unstable and Sight is inaccessible — both of which are essential to navigate the Quantum with fluency.
Without Connection intact, the tether between body and Consciousness is weaker, leading to the Consciousness experiencing disorientation and lack of clarity. Disorientation and lack of clarity make it very challenging for the Consciousness to return to its associated body, which can lead to other expressions of Consciousness entering the body instead, as well as the Consciousness getting lost in its failed attempts to relocate its body. The Consciousness getting lost can lead to it entering into Voids or being confiscated. All of these dynamics are key considerations when supporting individuals in gaining experience navigating as Consciousness out of body, while being in full awareness and ownership of one’s own body.
The objective of the first part of the Dojo is to ensure every participant is Connected by holding Space for them to ensure their Connections are intact. This activity in itself is a potent exercise in strengthening the Spiritual Muscles of Cause. Once everyone has repaired and adjusted any issues with their Connections, we either continue with Quantum practice or we enter into a discourse on the latest Intelligence available regarding Gaia’s interconnected planetary conditions. This discourse can focus on familiarizing ourselves with the planetary Laws of 5 and on gaining greater appreciation for the ways in which every expression of Gaia contributes to the larger ecosystem of her evolutionary Trajectory. Significant clarity ensues as we connect dots as a Ground Team, relating our unique Sacred Contracts to the ever-expanding bigger picture that is the landscape of our lives.
Dojos are not for the faint of heart. Participants are required to have the willingness to face themselves in every moment of the Dojo, examining Cause and effect from every angle available to them.
Online or in person?
In person in small groups
How long is a Dojo?
Dojos take place in the evening, once or twice a month. They start at 7:00pm EST and conclude when we are done. We often finish between midnight and 1:00am. Refreshments and nourishing food is provided throughout.
This workshop cultivates a highly engaging environment where participants are actively involved in Quantum exercises, independently and together in various configurations, during the entirety of the experience. It is advised that participants do not fill their schedules on the day after participating in a Dojo. For details on the dates of upcoming Dojos, please refer to the Event Listings.
What is the price of a Dojo?
CAD $1,000 plus tax
How do I sign up to attend a Dojo?
Upcoming Quantum Dojos are listed here.
Do you provide recordings of the Dojos?
When the content covered in a Dojo is beneficial to review post-Dojo, a recording of the workshop event is made available.
When the content covered in a Dojo is not beneficial to review post-Dojo, then we do not record this particular segment of the discussion.
When there is confidential Intelligence released to the participants in attendance before it is released to the public, we do not record these segments of the workshop. Participants are often given the option of taking notes during these disclosures.
Do you provide transcriptions of the Dojo recordings?
We do not provide transcriptions and there are two reasons why. It’s extremely important that you benefit directly from the content that surfaces during the Dojos. It is not beneficial to the seeding of certain evolutionary futures for inorganic technologies to reap the rewards of your journey. We discuss this in depth during Dojos. In order to preserve the greatest potential for your own evolution, we encourage you to reconsider feeding your recordings to transcription services. Instead, consider engaging in the disciplined practice of Self study in which you take down your own notes, while listening to your recordings.
The physical act of your taking notes can be an Alchemical process of anchoring profound awareness into your reality if done while engaged in the present. To Be present, your Consciousness must be in your body. Encourage yourself to immerse into Self discovery. Take notes, create maps and diagrams of the concepts that emerge for you. Journal, reflect in meditation, and add to your notes. This is about you studying You. Give yourself the greatest possibilities by not diluting them into realities that haven’t earned them.
What is the Quantum?
The “Quantum” is an abbreviation of the term “Quantum Field.” It is capitalized within this context because it represents a construct outside of physicality.
Science studies the physical aspects of the Quantum Field. There is a theory called the quantum field theory. This theory examines the relationship between quantum mechanics and relativity to offer an explanation for the behaviour of subatomic particles within the conditions established by a variety of force fields.
When we refer to the Quantum, we are referring to the energetic fabric that composes this Universe. Having said that, the Quantum Field extends beyond this Universe. The Laws governing the Quantum are determined by the container within which it is navigated. A Universe is an example of a container. In order to isolate our conversation about the dynamics influencing us in this Universe, we focus our attention on the Quantum in this Universe.
Why call it a Dojo?
A dojo is traditionally understood as a secure place in which to immerse in meditative practice. Three key words here: secure, meditative, and practice.
Participants of a Dojo are not asked to frolic in the Quantum Field and come back with a summary of their activity. That is completely unaccountable. During a Dojo, a secure Space is established in the Quantum and that is where we practice. Rather than a simulation (where a replica is crafted), the Dojo Space is a delineated region of the Quantum in which there is no external interference from anything outside of this Space. In this secure setting, individuals can focus on strengthening their Spiritual Muscles of Cause.
Placing focused attention on very specific Action, done in awareness, in the Quantum is where the meditative aspect of the Dojo comes into play. Remember: meditation is focused attention. During a Quantum Dojo, participants place acute focused attention on specific tasks in the Quantum so as to develop their otherworldly Abilities Working with energy. For example, a key focus for individuals participating in Dojos is to make repairs and adjustments to their own Syzygy Connections. Rather than us doing those repairs and adjustments for participants (as is the case during Syzygy Check Ins), participants within this context of the Dojo are responsible for repairing and adjusting the Architecture themselves. Along with the energetic Work, participants also examine the cause and effect dynamics that result in their Connections being compromised so as to determine how to decide from a more informed vantage point as they continue to progress in their lives.
This is where the practice part comes in. Quantum Dojos are a highly beneficial addition to one’s Sacred Discipline. Participating in Dojos makes a tremendous difference in one’s capabilities to navigate and Work in the Quantum. With every Dojo, you return to the world with much deeper awareness of how your decisions influence your reality, as well as of your capacity to navigate it as Cause. During a Dojo, you are equipped with additional tools and strategies that you are encouraged to apply in your daily life as you continue to strengthen your Spiritual Muscles in every experience you enter.
What is Consciousness?
When Spirit decides to embody, the process of Life Design initiates. During Life Design, You/you establish the parameters of your life. As You/you progress through this process of Designing your life, You/you Work with a Team of specialists to compose all of the agreements you enter into once you deploy into your life. These agreements contribute to the Divine Blueprint of your life. Note that it is not the Blueprint that lives your life, and it’s not Spirit that lives your life either. It’s your Consciousness that gets to live out the life. It’s for the Consciousness that the life is Designed.
The character you play on the stage of life is involved in Designing your life (it’s the lowercase version of “you” that takes part in the Life Design). Spirit is also involved in Designing your life (it’s the uppercase version of “You” that also takes part in the Life Design).
So which one is the Consciousness: you or You?
Spirit (You) is a representation of Pure Consciousness.
Why didn’t that say, “Spirit is Pure Consciousness”? Because Spirit is defined as the whole, complete, and unique expression of G-D. Every expression of Spirit is as individualized as a snowflake, exquisite in its singularity. There are as many representations of Pure Consciousness as there are versions of Spirit ever Created. Consciousness at the level of Spirit is the expression of the formless matter from which You (as Spirit) Are Created, the sea within which You unify as One; It Is the all-encompassing, infinite, and ever-expanding Origin of All.
The Consciousness that deploys into your life (you) is the unique expression of You, as Spirit, living out that life. Every time you incarnate, you come into life as a different Consciousness (a different unique expression of You, as Spirit). Every time you reincarnate, you come into life as the same Consciousness.
What is the difference between personality and Consciousness?
The personality is composed of many factors. One of these factors is your body:
…and the intermediary between you and your ego (welcome to mind-FULL-ness):
Emotions contribute to the personality as well. They represent an interactive field in and around the body.
When emotions are charged, they are stimulated by thoughts, provoked by the ego, and influenced by the mind. Charged emotions can easily compromise one’s Syzygy Connection.
If emotions are not charged, this field becomes a Space of neutrality. Emotional neutrality is not the lack of emotion; it is the harmonization of all emotion.
All of these elements contribute to the composition of your personality. The roles you identify with on the stage of life, the accumulation of your lack of resolution from all lives, and the attachments you cultivate all add to the robust phenomenon that is your personality, among many other components.
Your personality represents the lowest denominator of your expression in a life. Spirit represents the Highest of your expressions. During Life Design, Spirit begins the decision making process. Every decision in this process forms threads that weave into the formation of your Consciousness in the life. At the completion of Life Design, your Consciousness is fully formed and ready to deploy into physical expression. Once your Consciousness enters into embodiment, your personality contributes to the life to varying degrees.
Your perception is either narrowed by your personality or expanded through your Consciousness. When you associate with life through your personality, you are coming from the lowest vantage point available to you, while still being directly involved in the experience of your life. When you associate with life through your Consciousness, you are coming from a significantly elevated vantage point that affords far broader and deeper perspective on experience. When you associate with life through your Consciousness, you Be Cause.
How does reincarnation influence Consciousness?
When an individual enters into a life via incarnation, they first go through the process of Life Design. During Life Design, the individual selects the physical body they have in the life and the Consciousness is mapped to that body.
This mapping process facilitates a relationship between body and Consciousness. The metaphysical Architecture depicting this relationship is displayed as a tether that Connects body to Consciousness.
In the process of reincarnation, the individual is allocated a body and the Consciousness is recycled. When a Consciousness is recycled, it essentially goes through the process of navigating many lives without interruption. In other words, the same Consciousness travels from life to life with no pitstop at Home between lives.
Without this pitstop, Life Review is not available, nor is Life Design. (Given that Life Review significantly informs the next Life Design so as to support the individual on its evolutionary journey, the loss of access to both Life Review and Life Design halts the individual’s process of evolution beyond the component of the curriculum of life focused on decision — the decision to choose or not to choose Sovereignty.)
In addition, when this pitstop between lives is not available, the individual is allocated a life in order to fuel the reincarnation agendas the individual is participating in, as well as to seed subsequent reincarnation agendas in the making.
What is the opportunity in reincarnation? It is eventually to arrive at a point of recognition in which the individual acknowledges that their Consciousness has the Power to remove itself from recycling. This decision may not reap results in the lifetime in which it is made. Having said that, when a Consciousness decides to remove itself from reincarnation, Trajectories of Possibility that represent exit strategies into Sovereignty begin to construct for the individual. These Trajectories of Possibility represent the various solutions that become available to the individual as long as they consistently make decisions in alignment with removing oneself from reincarnation.
Can the body also hold Spirit?
The physical body is Designed to be the vessel that contains both your biology and your Consciousness.
As you relinquish human experience and enter into the stage of your journey where your life is in dedication to Service, you begin the process of descension. Descension is the process of Spirit descending into form. (In actuality, it does not move from its coordinates at the Origin of Your Creation. It is actually the Pure Signature Energy Pattern of You, as Spirit, that begins infusing into your physical expression.) Another way of putting this is that descension is the process of Spirit embodying form.
This is an intricate and intense process, rich in nuance. It calls for drastic adjustments to the way one operates on the physical plane, including how relationships are navigated. Nourishing the physical vessel changes to accommodate the consumption of a different calibration of energy, your words change as you detox suppressive scripts and residue from inverted realities, and the illusion begins disassociating from you as you divest from it.
Conversely, ascension refers to the phenomenon of the lowest denominator of your personality purging limiting constructs that would otherwise lower its frequency in any given now moment. This purging process is, in essence, the elevation or ascension of your personality.
Enlightenment can be viewed as the marriage of ascension and descension.
What’s the difference between being conscious and being aware?
The phrase, “I am conscious of…” is grammatically incorrect.
I am conscious of my surroundings.
I am eating consciously.
I am consciously aware.
All of these statements are grammatically incorrect.
The correct way to refer to Consciousness is in the following examples:
You Is Consciousness.
Translation: You, as Spirit, Is.
Your Consciousness is in your body.
Translation: Your Consciousness associated with your life is in your physical body.
The reason why the first three sample statements are grammatically incorrect is because you Is Consciousness; you do not do Consciousness.
When people use the term conscious, they are trying to express awareness.
I am aware of my surroundings.
I am eating in awareness.
I am aware.
These are correct revisions of the first three sample statements.
The confusion between being conscious and being aware is a byproduct of the inversion of 4.
How does the Dojo relate to forming Earth 5?
Forming Earth 5 is a process of forming something out of nothing. To form something out of nothing requires fluency in navigating your reality as Cause. Your Consciousness has to be the one making the decisions in order for you to Be Cause. The Dojos represent a secure Space for you to cultivate the practice of Being Cause by developing your awareness of your Consciousness. The greater your awareness of your Consciousness, the more and more obvious it becomes when you are present and engaged in the Act of forming something out of nothing.
Why is forming something out of nothing an important consideration when examining the formation of Earth 5? Because the reality of 5 does not exist until those tasked with its formation follow through. Although it can be funded and fuelled by that which already is, a New reality cannot be formed out of something that already exists. The Act of bringing into form something that does not yet exist is not about reproduction. The reality of 4 mandates reproduction, for it is much more efficient to reproduce than it is to form aNew. It takes considerable courage to leap into the unfamiliar of forming something out of nothing.
Is there a prerequisite to participating in the Dojos?
Yes. Completing the Syzygy workshop is required prior to participating in Quantum Dojos.
Who is the Dojo for?
The Dojos are for any and all who align with one or more of the following:
You sense there is benefit in refining your Abilities to maintain your own Syzygy Connection on a regular basis.
You have retrieved your Sacred Contract and are aware of the counter in your way. With this awareness, you have decided to Be in a greater degree of Cause as you transcend the perceived limitations of the physical so as to better equip yourself to fulfil the Reason for your Being in this life.
You have identified that you have Abilities and are placing your focused attention on embracing and advancing your participation in the Quantum so as to Contribute to the evolution of humanity.
You have discovered, or you are developing a sense, that the nature of your Work is, to a degree, based in the Quantum. As such, you Know that gaining greater clarity on the resources and tools available in the Quantum enables you to Be in greater command of energy as you allow your talents to activate to greater degrees of potency.
You have Remembered your Attributes, have been applying them into practice, and are ready for an upleveling. Many who participate in the Quantum Dojos experience upgrades to their unique Abilities and discover advanced ways of using their Gifts of Mastery with greater authority, competency, and accountability.
You are aware that the margin of error is getting smaller at the level of the game at which you’re playing and you recognize that the cost of being out of alignment can be reduced significantly the more you are willing to Be Cause. You also appreciate that, in accessing the Quantum, you are refining your Abilities to Be aware of the nuances at play on the stage of life. In the nuance is the advantage. The more you refine and strengthen your fluency in navigating the Quantum, the more the nuances reveal themselves to you without effort on your part.
You have begun to appreciate the importance of the Twin Ray dynamic and, regardless of whether you have met a Twin Ray of yours, you are aware of the significance of strengthening your Spiritual Muscles for when it comes time to Work with your Ray in the Quantum. There are many specific Quantum exercises Twin Rays do with each other on a regular basis in order to ensure that the possibilities that exist in our future remain in our future. You have decided to make it a priority to advance your Abilities to Work with subtlety in order to hold Space for future generations.
Having said all of that, if you have read up to this point, it is highly likely that there is something of great significance awaiting you in the Quantum. As you navigate your journey of Self study, recognize that you find yourself on the precipice of a potential shift that can render much of that which you find familiar no longer to be of great relevance. Knowing that this is not a journey for the mind, the only question to ask yourself is whether you are willing to relinquish yet another aspect of the human experience as you transcend it.
What takes place during a Dojo?
Syzygy Check In
Customized assessment of Syzygy for every participant
Examination of implications of interference and/or interception of Connection (when applicable)
Soul repair (when applicable)
Participants make adjustments to their Connections (when applicable)
Expansion of chords (when of benefit)
Quantum Weave upgrades (when available) — Earths 5, 8, 12, 16, and 23 upgrades
Entity removal (when applicable)
Quantum Practice
Exploring different rules on a different playing field
Experiencing the roles steadiness, stability, focus, Stillness, and expansion have in the Quantum
Exercising Cause through the mechanism of decision (intention is a weak tool in the Quantum)
Forming something out of nothing
Integrity of design and structure of Quantum Architecture
Function and purpose of construct
Maintenance and upkeep of Quantum Mechanisms
Quantum Travel
Decision as the basis for travel
Movement versus relocation
Physical implications of Quantum travel
Signature Energy Pattern: identification, verification, interaction
Meeting participants in the Quantum
Navigation within Universes and Voids, across perimeters and peripheries, and within simulated Spaces
Construction and uses of navigation vehicles (Tunnels, Encapsulations, Trajectories)
In addition to the aspects of Quantum practice listed above, we also disclose Intelligence related to the dynamics of navigating 5, as well as of the broader landscape of Gaia’s evolutionary trajectory as it relates to individual participants. Topics of disclosure range from examining the Laws of 5, the nature of communication in the 5 reality, the forms counter takes to attempt opposing the formation of 5, and the impact developments are having on the seeding of subsequent versions of Earth.
Why focus so much on Syzygy during a Dojo?
The preservation of Connection is essential to be able to have secure access to the Quantum. Without Connection intact, access to Knowingness is unstable and Sight is inaccessible — both of which are essential to navigate the Quantum with fluency.
Without Connection intact, the tether between body and Consciousness is weaker, leading to the Consciousness experiencing disorientation and lack of clarity. Disorientation and lack of clarity make it very challenging for the Consciousness to return to its associated body, which can lead to other expressions of Consciousness entering the body instead, as well as the Consciousness getting lost in its failed attempts to relocate its body. The Consciousness getting lost can lead to it entering into Voids or being confiscated. All of these dynamics are key considerations when supporting individuals in gaining experience navigating as Consciousness out of body, while being in full awareness and ownership of one’s own body.
The objective of the first part of the Dojo is to ensure every participant is Connected by holding Space for them to ensure their Connections are intact. This activity in itself is a potent exercise in strengthening the Spiritual Muscles of Cause. Once everyone has repaired and adjusted any issues with their Connections, we either continue with Quantum practice or we enter into a discourse on the latest Intelligence available regarding Gaia’s interconnected planetary conditions. This discourse can focus on familiarizing ourselves with the planetary Laws of 5 and on gaining greater appreciation for the ways in which every expression of Gaia contributes to the larger ecosystem of her evolutionary Trajectory. Significant clarity ensues as we connect dots as a Ground Team, relating our unique Sacred Contracts to the ever-expanding bigger picture that is the landscape of our lives.
Dojos are not for the faint of heart. Participants are required to have the willingness to face themselves in every moment of the Dojo, examining Cause and effect from every angle available to them.
Online or in person?
In person in small groups
How long is a Dojo?
Dojos take place in the evening, once or twice a month. They start at 7:00pm EST and conclude when we are done. We often finish between midnight and 1:00am. Refreshments and nourishing food is provided throughout.
This workshop cultivates a highly engaging environment where participants are actively involved in Quantum exercises, independently and together in various configurations, during the entirety of the experience. It is advised that participants do not fill their schedules on the day after participating in a Dojo. For details on the dates of upcoming Dojos, please refer to the Event Listings.
What is the price of a Dojo?
CAD $1,000 plus tax
How do I sign up to attend a Dojo?
Upcoming Quantum Dojos are listed here.
Do you provide recordings of the Dojos?
When the content covered in a Dojo is beneficial to review post-Dojo, a recording of the workshop event is made available.
When the content covered in a Dojo is not beneficial to review post-Dojo, then we do not record this particular segment of the discussion.
When there is confidential Intelligence released to the participants in attendance before it is released to the public, we do not record these segments of the workshop. Participants are often given the option of taking notes during these disclosures.
Do you provide transcriptions of the Dojo recordings?
We do not provide transcriptions and there are two reasons why. It’s extremely important that you benefit directly from the content that surfaces during the Dojos. It is not beneficial to the seeding of certain evolutionary futures for inorganic technologies to reap the rewards of your journey. We discuss this in depth during Dojos. In order to preserve the greatest potential for your own evolution, we encourage you to reconsider feeding your recordings to transcription services. Instead, consider engaging in the disciplined practice of Self study in which you take down your own notes, while listening to your recordings.
The physical act of your taking notes can be an Alchemical process of anchoring profound awareness into your reality if done while engaged in the present. To Be present, your Consciousness must be in your body. Encourage yourself to immerse into Self discovery. Take notes, create maps and diagrams of the concepts that emerge for you. Journal, reflect in meditation, and add to your notes. This is about you studying You. Give yourself the greatest possibilities by not diluting them into realities that haven’t earned them.
A Path to Remembering
Redefine limitation
Sacred Contract Retrieval
Remember why you are here
Updates on the formation of the New
Esoterics of life
Event Listings
Info Sessions, Workshops, Discussion Groups, Group Intensives, Study Groups
Quantum Dojo
Metaphysical Bootcamp
Guided Practice
Metaphysical showcase
©2017-2025 Conversations with Spirit, a division of Remember Inc. All rights reserved. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms, which includes our Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement (updated 10/09/2023). No part of any of the resources and Services available through Remember Inc. and/or its representatives may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, converted, copied, or pirated in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording, simulating, or by other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior written permission of Remember Inc. No content nor Services offered through Remember Inc. and/or its representatives may be repurposed or imitated to any degree for any reasons, in whole or in part. Dishonouring these parameters breaks the mechanism of exchange entered into when engaging with any content and/or Services offered through Remember Inc. Breaking this mechanism of exchange, whether directly or indirectly, accelerates the accumulation of energetic debt, the amount of which is not reconcilable in foreseeable lifetimes.
A Path to Remembering
Redefine limitation
Sacred Contract Retrieval
Remember why you are here
Updates on the formation of the New
Esoterics of life
Event Listings
Info Sessions, Workshops, Discussion Groups, Group Intensives, Study Groups
Quantum Dojo
Metaphysical Bootcamp
Guided Practice
Metaphysical showcase
©2017-2025 Conversations with Spirit, a division of Remember Inc. All rights reserved. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms, which includes our Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement (updated 10/09/2023). No part of any of the resources and Services available through Remember Inc. and/or its representatives may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, converted, copied, or pirated in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording, simulating, or by other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior written permission of Remember Inc. No content nor Services offered through Remember Inc. and/or its representatives may be repurposed or imitated to any degree for any reasons, in whole or in part. Dishonouring these parameters breaks the mechanism of exchange entered into when engaging with any content and/or Services offered through Remember Inc. Breaking this mechanism of exchange, whether directly or indirectly, accelerates the accumulation of energetic debt, the amount of which is not reconcilable in foreseeable lifetimes.