Consistent touchpoints to preserve your Connection.

The first step is to ensure the integrity of your Connection.

The first step is to ensure the integrity of your Connection.
Ensuring Connection is key.

The next step is to maintain your Connection.
That’s where Syzygy Check Ins come in.
These touchpoints support you in strengthening your Ability to consistently maintain your Connection.

The next step is to maintain your Connection.
That’s where Syzygy Check Ins come in.
These touchpoints support you in strengthening your Ability to consistently maintain your Connection.
Incarnation is available to those who are Connected.

When you are born into embodiment through incarnation, you are born Sovereign.
In other words, you are born Connected.

When you are born into embodiment through incarnation, you are born Sovereign.
In other words, you are born Connected.
With Connection, you have a direct path Home.
With Connection, you can Remember why you are here and the details of your Life Design.
With Connection, life is an evolutionary experience.
That is when the illusion dissolves.

If Sovereignty is not claimed and preserved, it is ultimately relinquished and disConnection results.

If Sovereignty is not claimed and preserved, it is ultimately relinquished and disConnection results.
Without Connection, there is no direct path Home.
Without Connection, Remembering becomes forgetting.
Without Connection, recycling through reincarnation defines life.
That is when the seeking begins.
That is when the illusion becomes the basis of one’s reality.

When you are born into embodiment through reincarnation, life represents your opportunity to reclaim your Connection.

When you are born into embodiment through reincarnation, life represents your opportunity to reclaim your Connection.
Autopilot does not maintain Connection. Nor does assumption.
Ensure the integrity of your Connection and then maintain it through consistent check ins as you raise your awareness of what Being Connected feels like.
The more you are aware of what Being Connected feels like, the more capable you are to preserve your Connection on your own.
Syzygy Check Ins
Subscription Recommendations
Share the twice a month subscription with your child and each of you can have one check in a month
To schedule a weekly check in, select two twice a month subscriptions
You can schedule your check ins as often as you feel is beneficial.
You can bank your check ins as long as you have an active subscription. If your subscription becomes inactive and you have banked check ins, you do not have access to them until you reactivate your subscription.
There are no refunds for unused check ins.
You can cancel your subscription at any time.
For eligibility, click here.
Syzygy Check Ins
Subscription Recommendations
Share the twice a month subscription with your child and each of you can have one check in a month
To schedule a weekly check in, select two twice a month subscriptions
You can schedule your check ins as often as you feel is beneficial.
You can bank your check ins as long as you have an active subscription. If your subscription becomes inactive and you have banked check ins, you do not have access to them until you reactivate your subscription.
There are no refunds for unused check ins.
You can cancel your subscription at any time.
For eligibility, click here.
Facilitating the formation of Earth 5 through the preservation of Connection.
Is it enough to get reConnected once?
The decisions we make influence everything. Every one of them. Even the ones we choose not to make. Your decisions directly affect your Connection. If you Know how to make decisions to support your Connection, then getting reConnected once is enough. If you aren’t sure what those decisions Look like in every moment, getting reConnected once is not enough.
What’s the difference between incarnation and reincarnation?
Incarnation is a process of embodiment in which you get to Design the life you live.
Reincarnation is the process of embodiment in which you are forced into life you don’t get to Design.
Why is being in incarnation important?
Incarnation affords the opportunity for evolution.
Reincarnation is like groundhog day every day until you find a way out.
(Spoiler: reConnection is the way out.)
In incarnation, you Design your life before you start living it. Designing your life gives you the opportunity to maximize your odds of getting the highest return on your investment of embodying into a life. You get to decide what experiences to include in your life to finish unfinished business and you get to decide what self-development activities are available to you once you’re on the ground. You get to select key individuals with whom to cross paths for important reasons. You even get to select the body that will support you in the greatest way to accomplish everything you Design into your life. And you also get to decide where to put the mile markers to exit the highway of life through your direct path Home. In other words, in Life Design, you get to determine all of the purposes your life serves. Reincarnation takes all of that away.
An individual in reincarnation goes from life to life killing time and eventually wondering what it’s all for. This wondering engages the mind in many endeavours — learning, accrediting, measuring value through compensation and reward. That wondering leads the individual to seeking — seeking purpose, searching for a reason to explain the point of their life. The seeking eventually has to stop so that the Remembering can begin. Remembering cannot take place without Connection.
Incarnation also affords the option to have a Soul and to access all that the Soul holds within it to support the fulfillment of your life. Not everyone has a Soul and even those who have a Soul usually aren’t Connected to it.
Whether it’s personal evolution, having a Soul or access Home, incarnation is a big deal.
Why would someone go into forced reincarnation?
There’s no pressure to take accountability for oneself in reincarnation. There’s no responsibility to move forward on one’s evolutionary journey. Staying in the familiar is expected of someone in forced reincarnation. Comfort zones and fleeting pleasures are celebrated in forced reincarnation. The passive road is the road to take in forced reincarnation — that being the one where decisions are made for you and you can let things unfold as they may, while you do your very best to reproduce what’s already been.
There’s no impetus to Be Cause in a life of forced reincarnation because that would mean you go against the grain — in opposition of the masses — and conformity is important in forced reincarnation, so being in opposition of the masses is kind of a no no. Even those who fight for freedom are most often navigating lives of forced reincarnation. It’s only when they realize that freedom is reclaimed from within that they consider that there may be a way out of the cycle they’re caught in.
For someone to agree to go into forced reincarnation, all of the above are — to varying degrees — appealing (even if they don’t want to admit it to themselves). The reason these characteristics of life in forced reincarnation are appealing to them is very simply because they’re not done having those experiences yet. They get to have them until they’re done having them.
Oftentimes, someone who is well-versed in the dynamics of forced reincarnation chooses to stay in forced reincarnation in order to capitalize from their expertise. Isn’t that interesting?
Evolution is available to individuals who are willing to take accountability for themselves. Evolution is very unappealing to those who prefer staying in their familiar. Evolution is therefore not in high demand by those in forced reincarnation. If anything, the concept of evolution is cumbersome if not irritating to them.
What’s included in a Syzygy Check In?
During a Syzygy Check In, the following factors are examined:
Soul Repair
Assessment focuses on whether the Soul is damaged, warped, or relocated. In the case of damage, this often consists of the outside matter of the Soul missing or torn in parts, pierced by weapons during attacks, or significant sections of it missing due to deterioration or dissolution. If the Soul’s organic shape is warped, this is often due to external influences dominating the individual as the individual slips out of Being Cause. Soul relocation can occur due to a misconception of how to keep the Soul from harm or to an unwillingness to face oneself and the Work they are here to fulfill.
Key to Soul repair is also the examination of the health of the junction points where the Lower and Upper Chords connect to the Soul. These junction points are vital to ensuring a sealed vacuum effect that supports the flow of energy from G-D.
In addition, there may be situations in which there are things inside of the Soul that are not meant to be there. In these cases, permissioned removals are also incorporated into the check in.
Lower Chord Repair
The condition of the Lower Chord is assessed for damage and/or disturbance.
Damage can include broken, torn, frayed, and/or divided segments. Broken chords are often due to drama converting into trauma, torn chords tend to be byproducts of attack, fraying takes place most often at the junction points of Connection to the Soul or to the energetic field of the individual as a result of a nervous system blowout, and divisions of chords are created to support syphoning.
Disturbance can include bulges, contortions, and/or redirections. Bulges occur when the Being attempts to temper flow by creating bottlenecks in the chord. Contortions are often a result of an aversion to taking the path of least resistance and, in turn, creating convoluted paths that exaggerate resistance to the point of mechanical failure at the level of one’s Connection. Redirections of the Lower Chord are established when severe attachments are formed with other people, places, and/or things in one’s life (these are all objects that may exist in this life or were in existence in other lives).
Upper Chord Repair
In addition to examining damage and/or disturbance, self-imposed disConnection can be an issue with this segment of the Chord. Fundamentally, the severing of one’s Connection at this level is a reflection of one’s discordant relationship with G-D. When we translate this discordance into experience, it manifests as extreme resistance in some form.
The disConnection of the Upper Chord is prevalent at this stage in human history as individuals express adamant resistance towards disassociating from Earth 4. Navigating the reality of Earth 4 from within Earth 4 is not a liability for those remaining in Earth 4; it comes at significant cost for those here to form and experience the nascent Earth 5 reality. This cost can express as disConnection from Spirit.
The energetic field around the physical body, the location and State of one’s Consciousness, and other forms of interference from counter intention are also areas of focus during Syzygy Check Ins.
Monthly Calls
When you subscribe to Syzygy Check Ins, you are also invited to optional and complimentary monthly touchpoint calls with us. During these online calls, you are welcome to join us in conversation about how you are processing having greater awareness of Your Connection. These monthly touchpoints are for everyone who is actively participating in Syzygy Check Ins. As we hold Space for you during these calls to share your journey of maintaining your Connection, we ask that you open up about what decisions most impact the State of your Connection and how your awareness of cause and effect is changing the way you navigate your life. There is no need to come with presentations in hand. This is a conversation we navigate together.
What happens during a Syzygy Check In?
A check in takes place with you online and lasts for 60 minutes. Both Susan and Katherine facilitate the check in together. As Susan touches base with you, Katherine draws out the State of your Syzygy. This image is then temporarily shared with both you and Susan in your private Telegram thread with us.
You are asked not to save this image. It is deleted once your check in is complete so as not to leave, in the present, a residual imprint of your condition prior to the check in.
All of the details of your Syzygy are then explained and the reasons for any disturbances are examined, so that you can appreciate how your decisions are affecting your Connection. Following this examination, Susan repairs damage, reconstructs lost Architecture, and removes interference that is available for removal. You are welcome to ask questions and share reflections throughout the check in.
Can anyone sign up for a Syzygy Check In?
Completing the Syzygy workshop is a prerequisite to signing up for Syzygy Check Ins. The exception to this relates to children under the age of 18, who would have Syzygy Check Ins done with their parent or guardian acting as a proxy. In this case, the parent or guardian is required to complete the Syzygy workshop prior to scheduling check ins for themselves and/or any minors in their custodianship.
How do I join the monthly calls?
We hold monthly online Syzygy Touchpoint Calls for everyone with an active Syzygy Check Ins subscription. Depending upon the number of participants, the calls run between 60 to 90 minutes. These calls are optional and complimentary. Please check the Event Listings for details on when upcoming touchpoint calls are taking place and RSVP to the ones you would like to join.
We appreciate that it can be daunting to open up about your inner journey (which invariably includes your personal lives that you keep private). To make it easier to open up, these calls are not recorded. If you are willing to openly explore the dynamics of your Connection with others who are going through the same process, we can fortify the Signature of 5 into this world together.
For those of you who are considering completing the Syzygy workshop so that you can also participate in the check ins, you’re welcome to initiate the application process here.
Is it possible to reConnect myself?
That’s the ideal!
Well, the ideal is actually to preserve your Connection without reason for reConnection intervention. And it’s absolutely possible!
Once you complete the Syzygy workshop and start having consistent Syzygy Check Ins, your relationship with your Connection becomes so much stronger than before you knew anything about Syzygy. As you examine the reasons for any disturbances in your Connection, you deeply inform your decision making process and progressively shift into taking Action in awareness from a State of Connection.
This process of informing yourself on how to make decisions from a State of Connection transforms the way you live your life. You make fewer and fewer decisions that could lead to disConnection. And the more Connected people you have in your life, the easier it is to keep one another accountable at this stage of the journey.
If you are interested in taking this process one step further, you have the opportunity to participate in the Quantum Dojos to strengthen the Spiritual Muscles associated with Seeing the conditions of your Connection and with repairing your own Connection. This is a vital focus of the Quantum Dojos and opens the door to advanced Work with us. Once you complete the Syzygy workshop, you are invited to attend the Dojos and develop the Abilities that enable self-monitoring, repair, and preservation of one’s own Connection.
What skills does it take to reConnect myself?
The skills involved in reConnecting yourself are not skills you develop at a typical school. They’re skills you tend to discover you have through the process of Remembering more of your roles and Abilities beyond this world. As you surrender to your big picture expanding, you also expand your awareness of what you are capable of. This is where redefining yourself becomes a daily practice.
Otherworldly skills are called Attributes. Attributes are activated aspects of Mastery that an individual attains after many lives of developing fluency in specific areas of Mastery, coupled with many non-lives of studying the esoterics of one’s chosen disciplines. (Non-lives, in this context, can relate to interim periods between embodiments as well as during sleep state while in active embodiment.) Quantum Architecture is involved, Seeing beyond the physical plays a part, Quantum travel, and the reading of energetic math are also key factors in the process.
Is difficulty meditating a sign of disConnection?
It’s an excellent question. If more people had asked this question around 2012, the world would be in a different place today.
Nonetheless, let’s dive in to the answer, beginning with a definition.
What is meditation?
Meditation is focused attention.
That’s it. It’s that simple. The focus of your attention is what you’re meditating on. For example, if you focus your attention on thoughts, you fuel thought forms. If you focus your attention on your Connection, you raise your awareness of your Connection. The more aware you are of your Connection, the less tolerant you become of any disturbance to your Connection. The less tolerance you have to Connection disturbance, the more likely you are to stay Connected. Very simple.
Now let’s clarify how meditation can be experienced in different realities. In particular, how is meditation experienced in Earth 4, in Earth 5, and in Earth 6? To answer this question, it’s important to provide you with some context:
- There are three realities at play in this world.
- All three realities (Earth 4, Earth 5, and Earth 6) are taking place concurrently as of the fourth quarter of 2023.
- Earth 4 is fully formed and in the process of reorganization.
- The baseline Signature of Earth 4 is domination and control.
- Earth 6 is 36.7% virtually formed.
- The baseline Signature of Earth 6 is the automaton state.
- Earth 5 is 99.73% to be formed.
- The baseline Signature of Earth 5 is relaxation.
- Those forming 5 have approximately 24,000 to 26,000 years to seed the potential of Earth 5 through her formation.
- What happens in Earth 5 after these initial years of seeding is dependant upon the quality of the potential seeded.
- Those born prior to 2023 in this lifetime were born into the formed reality of Earth 4.
- Which reality you are in at any given moment is based on your decisions and on the State of your Connection.
Meditation in Earth 4
First, let’s begin with what it means, metaphysically, to be in the reality of Earth 4.
Metaphysical conditions of being in Earth 4:
- If an individual has inorganic technology incorporated into the physical vessel and a Consciousness is operating the physical vessel from inside the physical vessel, the individual is navigating from within the Earth 4 reality.
- If an individual does not have inorganic technology incorporated into the physical vessel and a Consciousness is operating the physical vessel from within the physical vessel, the individual is navigating from within the Earth 4 reality unless they restructure their reality to shift into the Earth 5 reality.
There are very few Connected Beings in Earth 4. There is a discernible subset of the population in Earth 4 with the possibility for reConnection. The individuals in this subset are largely unaware that there is an option to be somewhere other than Earth 4 or even that the premise of different versions of Earth exists.
If Beings in this subset of the population reclaim their Connection, it will be very challenging for them to remain in the reality of Earth 4 because they will then represent a violation to the Laws of 4, which are based on the foundations of domination and control. If a Being in 4 reclaims Connection and decides to remain in the reality of Earth 4, Connection will be lost soon after this decision is made simply on account of the decision to remain in the familiar. It takes considerable courage to experience freedom.
Meditation in Earth 4 is characterized as a method through which to calm the body. It is most often leveraged as a relaxation technique to reduce stress from exposure to exaggerated external stimuli. It is also often coined as a mindfulness practice (a practice in which to fill the mind). A Connected Being entering into meditation in an Earth 4 reality faces combat with counter far before any semblance of Stillness becomes available to access.
All this is for a reason. Earth 4 is constructed on the inversion of Truth. Since Earth 5 has a baseline Signature of relaxation, Earth 4 made it a mandate to contort the experience of relaxation so as to debilitate as many as possible from realizing Stillness through relaxation.
Meditation in Earth 6
To begin, what are the metaphysical factors that point to someone being in the reality of Earth 6?
- If an individual has inorganic technology incorporated into the physical vessel and inorganic intelligence is operating the physical vessel through remote transmission, the individual is navigating an Earth 6 reality.
- If an individual does not have inorganic technology incorporated into the physical vessel and allows inorganic intelligence to decide for and/or represent the Consciousness in ownership of the physical vessel, the individual is navigating from within the Earth 6 reality.
Meditation as a Connected Being is not available to those in Earth 6. In an Earth 6 reality, there is no access to meditation from a Connected State. Direct Connection to Spirit is not available in an Earth 6 reality.
If we consider that the definition of meditation is focused attention, then it can be said that meditation is possible within an Earth 6 reality. Having said that, Earth 6 meditation is an activity done by disConnected Beings placing focused attention on algorithms, scripts, and programs designed to proliferate simulation. Given that this is the nature of meditation in an Earth 6 reality and does not involve Connected Beings, our focus is on the nuance of meditation in the Earth 4 and the Earth 5 realities to illustrate how a difficulty meditating can be an indication of disConnection.
Meditation in Earth 5
Earth 5 is a reality in which the embodiment of Sovereignty is available to Connected Beings. There are two subsets of the population of Earth 5: those forming Earth 5 and those awaiting its formation in order to experience the Earth 5 reality. Those forming Earth 5 are the first to experience it. In order to form Earth 5, one must first embody it from within. Given that freedom is an unfamiliar experience for those coming out of the Earth 4 reality, it takes unreasonable degrees of courage to enter Earth 5.
The metaphysical conditions required of someone to have access to the Earth 5 reality include:
- A Connected Being, without inorganic technology incorporated into the physical vessel, with the Consciousness — that is in rightful ownership of the physical vessel as stipulated in Life Design — operating the physical vessel from within the physical vessel.
- A Being with the potential to be reConnected, without inorganic technology incorporated into the physical vessel, with the Consciousness — that is in rightful ownership of the physical vessel as stipulated in Life Design — operating the physical vessel from within the physical vessel.
A significant nuance to appreciate is in the distinction between meditation in Earth 4 and in Earth 5. It’s important to explore this nuance in order to appreciate the correlation between meditation and connection.
In 4, there was an emphasis on relaxation and calm being major benefits of meditation. In 5, and in particular for those forming 5, meditation is entered into from deep relaxation rather than used as a catalyst to experience relaxation. Whereas in an Earth 4 reality relaxation is an outcome of meditation, in an Earth 5 reality it is a basic starting point. Relaxation is, after all, the baseline Signature of the Earth 5 reality.
The Act of meditation in 5 gives the Connected individual a view of the Divine Sequencing available to them in the moment. Instead of sinking into rest, meditation in 5 feels like going to a movie theatre where the potential of your life is the show to watch!
So, as it turns out, difficulty meditating can absolutely be a byproduct of disConnection and an important one to pay attention to. Disorientation, confusion, doubt, an inner wavering, a sense of defeat or overwhelm, a lack of will, even the use of the phrase that you “want connection” are all additional potential clues indicating a State of disConnection or a high risk of becoming disConnected.
Ever expanding awareness and precision of Action are fundamental to Connection in this world.
Why is a direct path Home important?
Home is defined as the origin of Your Creation, as Spirit. It’s like your Home base. It’s where journeys can begin and end for you as an individual expression of G-D. The direct path Home is established in the Connection from Spirit to Soul to physical body through the Upper and Lower Chords.
In the moment the Consciousness leaves the physical body to embark on the journey back to Spirit, it is meant to travel directly along this Quantum Architecture. Without this direct path Home, the Consciousness is susceptible to confusion and disorientation, which can make the process of returning Home arduous and fraught with risk — one of the greater risks being entrapment into cycles of forced reincarnation.
What does alignment have to do with Connection?
Alignment does not speak to the orientation of the Architecture of Connection itself. Alignment speaks to living in accordance with one’s Divine Blueprint. The Divine Blueprint is the overarching document that contains the details of one’s Life Design and all additional information related to the Life Design. This overarching document is housed inside of the Soul.
The Soul is an intermediary between Spirit and the character on the stage (also known as you). Spirit is much further away from you than your Soul is. Because the Soul is in much closer proximity to you, it is easier to access the Soul from physicality. The Soul holds key information for you about your life, and when you are ready to access that information, it’s readily available to you as long as you’re Connected and your Syzygy is intact.
Being in alignment in life means that you are doing what you said you would do when you crafted your Life Design. Being in alignment also means that you are not doing what you said you wouldn’t do. All of those contracts you entered into during the Life Design process outline every commitment you made that you said you would follow through on once you deployed into embodiment. Alignment is essentially a mathematical measure of how on point you are with living out your Life Design.
Are the check ins recorded?
Yes, the check ins are recorded and these recordings are made available to you in your private portal so that you can study them. Why would it be beneficial to study them? So that you can recognize the forms of self-sabotage you may impose upon yourself that compromise your Connection. Once you recognize your patterns of disConnection, you can make informed decisions about how to proceed with living your life — either preserving your Connection or not.
The pace of a Syzygy Check In is quick compared to that of an intensive. The check in is not designed to put you in a state of shell shock. It’s designed to dissolve the illusion of physicality right in front of your eyes, giving you the opportunity to appreciate how your navigation of the physical impacts your Connection.
Note that while the recordings of your check ins are available to you, the image of your Connection is deleted so as not to maintain its imprint once it is repaired.
Do you provide transcripts of the check in recordings?
As with the recordings of intensives and the Syzygy workshop, we do not provide transcriptions of the check in recordings. It’s extremely important that you benefit directly from the content that surfaces during the check ins, so that you can improve your Abilities to preserve your Connection after every check in. Taking your own notes is a Powerful way of benefiting directly from these check ins, even after they take place.
You can consider these check ins like Connection Bootcamp. Within the context of physical exercise, if your objective is to improve your physical state between bootcamp workouts, you do some extra exercise between bootcamps. Same with Syzygy Check Ins. To strengthen the Spiritual Muscles associated with maintaining an unobstructed Connection, it’s important to engage in Self study where you listen to your recordings and identify the ways in which you make decisions that results in Connection compromise. This way, instead of being the effect of life happening to you and at you, you Be Cause and maintain your Connection by preserving it through your Actions, done in awareness.
It is not beneficial to the seeding of certain evolutionary futures for inorganic technologies to reap the rewards of your journey. In order to preserve the greatest potential for your own evolution, we encourage you to reconsider feeding your recordings to transcription services. Instead, decide to engage in the disciplined practice of Self study, in which you take down your own notes, while listening to your check in recordings.
The physical act of your taking notes can be an Alchemical process of anchoring profound awareness into your reality if done while engaged in the present. With your Connection intact, Being present is all that much more available. Encourage yourself to enter into immersive Self discovery. Take notes, create maps and diagrams of the concepts that emerge for you. Journal, reflect in meditation, and add to your notes. This is about you studying You. Give yourself the greatest possibilities by not diluting them into realities that haven’t earned them.
Is it enough to get reConnected once?
The decisions we make influence everything. Every one of them. Even the ones we choose not to make. Your decisions directly affect your Connection. If you Know how to make decisions to support your Connection, then getting reConnected once is enough. If you aren’t sure what those decisions Look like in every moment, getting reConnected once is not enough.
What’s the difference between incarnation and reincarnation?
Incarnation is a process of embodiment in which you get to Design the life you live.
Reincarnation is the process of embodiment in which you are forced into life you don’t get to Design.
Why is being in incarnation important?
Incarnation affords the opportunity for evolution.
Reincarnation is like groundhog day every day until you find a way out.
(Spoiler: reConnection is the way out.)
In incarnation, you Design your life before you start living it. Designing your life gives you the opportunity to maximize your odds of getting the highest return on your investment of embodying into a life. You get to decide what experiences to include in your life to finish unfinished business and you get to decide what self-development activities are available to you once you’re on the ground. You get to select key individuals with whom to cross paths for important reasons. You even get to select the body that will support you in the greatest way to accomplish everything you Design into your life. And you also get to decide where to put the mile markers to exit the highway of life through your direct path Home. In other words, in Life Design, you get to determine all of the purposes your life serves. Reincarnation takes all of that away.
An individual in reincarnation goes from life to life killing time and eventually wondering what it’s all for. This wondering engages the mind in many endeavours — learning, accrediting, measuring value through compensation and reward. That wondering leads the individual to seeking — seeking purpose, searching for a reason to explain the point of their life. The seeking eventually has to stop so that the Remembering can begin. Remembering cannot take place without Connection.
Incarnation also affords the option to have a Soul and to access all that the Soul holds within it to support the fulfillment of your life. Not everyone has a Soul and even those who have a Soul usually aren’t Connected to it.
Whether it’s personal evolution, having a Soul or access Home, incarnation is a big deal.
Why would someone go into forced reincarnation?
There’s no pressure to take accountability for oneself in reincarnation. There’s no responsibility to move forward on one’s evolutionary journey. Staying in the familiar is expected of someone in forced reincarnation. Comfort zones and fleeting pleasures are celebrated in forced reincarnation. The passive road is the road to take in forced reincarnation — that being the one where decisions are made for you and you can let things unfold as they may, while you do your very best to reproduce what’s already been.
There’s no impetus to Be Cause in a life of forced reincarnation because that would mean you go against the grain — in opposition of the masses — and conformity is important in forced reincarnation, so being in opposition of the masses is kind of a no no. Even those who fight for freedom are most often navigating lives of forced reincarnation. It’s only when they realize that freedom is reclaimed from within that they consider that there may be a way out of the cycle they’re caught in.
For someone to agree to go into forced reincarnation, all of the above are — to varying degrees — appealing (even if they don’t want to admit it to themselves). The reason these characteristics of life in forced reincarnation are appealing to them is very simply because they’re not done having those experiences yet. They get to have them until they’re done having them.
Oftentimes, someone who is well-versed in the dynamics of forced reincarnation chooses to stay in forced reincarnation in order to capitalize from their expertise. Isn’t that interesting?
Evolution is available to individuals who are willing to take accountability for themselves. Evolution is very unappealing to those who prefer staying in their familiar. Evolution is therefore not in high demand by those in forced reincarnation. If anything, the concept of evolution is cumbersome if not irritating to them.
What’s included in a Syzygy Check In?
During a Syzygy Check In, the following factors are examined:
Soul Repair
Assessment focuses on whether the Soul is damaged, warped, or relocated. In the case of damage, this often consists of the outside matter of the Soul missing or torn in parts, pierced by weapons during attacks, or significant sections of it missing due to deterioration or dissolution. If the Soul’s organic shape is warped, this is often due to external influences dominating the individual as the individual slips out of Being Cause. Soul relocation can occur due to a misconception of how to keep the Soul from harm or to an unwillingness to face oneself and the Work they are here to fulfill.
Key to Soul repair is also the examination of the health of the junction points where the Lower and Upper Chords connect to the Soul. These junction points are vital to ensuring a sealed vacuum effect that supports the flow of energy from G-D.
In addition, there may be situations in which there are things inside of the Soul that are not meant to be there. In these cases, permissioned removals are also incorporated into the check in.
Lower Chord Repair
The condition of the Lower Chord is assessed for damage and/or disturbance.
Damage can include broken, torn, frayed, and/or divided segments. Broken chords are often due to drama converting into trauma, torn chords tend to be byproducts of attack, fraying takes place most often at the junction points of Connection to the Soul or to the energetic field of the individual as a result of a nervous system blowout, and divisions of chords are created to support syphoning.
Disturbance can include bulges, contortions, and/or redirections. Bulges occur when the Being attempts to temper flow by creating bottlenecks in the chord. Contortions are often a result of an aversion to taking the path of least resistance and, in turn, creating convoluted paths that exaggerate resistance to the point of mechanical failure at the level of one’s Connection. Redirections of the Lower Chord are established when severe attachments are formed with other people, places, and/or things in one’s life (these are all objects that may exist in this life or were in existence in other lives).
Upper Chord Repair
In addition to examining damage and/or disturbance, self-imposed disConnection can be an issue with this segment of the Chord. Fundamentally, the severing of one’s Connection at this level is a reflection of one’s discordant relationship with G-D. When we translate this discordance into experience, it manifests as extreme resistance in some form.
The disConnection of the Upper Chord is prevalent at this stage in human history as individuals express adamant resistance towards disassociating from Earth 4. Navigating the reality of Earth 4 from within Earth 4 is not a liability for those remaining in Earth 4; it comes at significant cost for those here to form and experience the nascent Earth 5 reality. This cost can express as disConnection from Spirit.
The energetic field around the physical body, the location and State of one’s Consciousness, and other forms of interference from counter intention are also areas of focus during Syzygy Check Ins.
Monthly Calls
When you subscribe to Syzygy Check Ins, you are also invited to optional and complimentary monthly touchpoint calls with us. During these online calls, you are welcome to join us in conversation about how you are processing having greater awareness of Your Connection. These monthly touchpoints are for everyone who is actively participating in Syzygy Check Ins. As we hold Space for you during these calls to share your journey of maintaining your Connection, we ask that you open up about what decisions most impact the State of your Connection and how your awareness of cause and effect is changing the way you navigate your life. There is no need to come with presentations in hand. This is a conversation we navigate together.
What happens during a Syzygy Check In?
A check in takes place with you online and lasts for 60 minutes. Both Susan and Katherine facilitate the check in together. As Susan touches base with you, Katherine draws out the State of your Syzygy. This image is then temporarily shared with both you and Susan in your private Telegram thread with us.
You are asked not to save this image. It is deleted once your check in is complete so as not to leave, in the present, a residual imprint of your condition prior to the check in.
All of the details of your Syzygy are then explained and the reasons for any disturbances are examined, so that you can appreciate how your decisions are affecting your Connection. Following this examination, Susan repairs damage, reconstructs lost Architecture, and removes interference that is available for removal. You are welcome to ask questions and share reflections throughout the check in.
Can anyone sign up for a Syzygy Check In?
Completing the Syzygy workshop is a prerequisite to signing up for Syzygy Check Ins. The exception to this relates to children under the age of 18, who would have Syzygy Check Ins done with their parent or guardian acting as a proxy. In this case, the parent or guardian is required to complete the Syzygy workshop prior to scheduling check ins for themselves and/or any minors in their custodianship.
How do I join the monthly calls?
We hold monthly online Syzygy Touchpoint Calls for everyone with an active Syzygy Check Ins subscription. Depending upon the number of participants, the calls run between 60 to 90 minutes. These calls are optional and complimentary. Please check the Event Listings for details on when upcoming touchpoint calls are taking place and RSVP to the ones you would like to join.
We appreciate that it can be daunting to open up about your inner journey (which invariably includes your personal lives that you keep private). To make it easier to open up, these calls are not recorded. If you are willing to openly explore the dynamics of your Connection with others who are going through the same process, we can fortify the Signature of 5 into this world together.
For those of you who are considering completing the Syzygy workshop so that you can also participate in the check ins, you’re welcome to initiate the application process here.
Is it possible to reConnect myself?
That’s the ideal!
Well, the ideal is actually to preserve your Connection without reason for reConnection intervention. And it’s absolutely possible!
Once you complete the Syzygy workshop and start having consistent Syzygy Check Ins, your relationship with your Connection becomes so much stronger than before you knew anything about Syzygy. As you examine the reasons for any disturbances in your Connection, you deeply inform your decision making process and progressively shift into taking Action in awareness from a State of Connection.
This process of informing yourself on how to make decisions from a State of Connection transforms the way you live your life. You make fewer and fewer decisions that could lead to disConnection. And the more Connected people you have in your life, the easier it is to keep one another accountable at this stage of the journey.
If you are interested in taking this process one step further, you have the opportunity to participate in the Quantum Dojos to strengthen the Spiritual Muscles associated with Seeing the conditions of your Connection and with repairing your own Connection. This is a vital focus of the Quantum Dojos and opens the door to advanced Work with us. Once you complete the Syzygy workshop, you are invited to attend the Dojos and develop the Abilities that enable self-monitoring, repair, and preservation of one’s own Connection.
What skills does it take to reConnect myself?
The skills involved in reConnecting yourself are not skills you develop at a typical school. They’re skills you tend to discover you have through the process of Remembering more of your roles and Abilities beyond this world. As you surrender to your big picture expanding, you also expand your awareness of what you are capable of. This is where redefining yourself becomes a daily practice.
Otherworldly skills are called Attributes. Attributes are activated aspects of Mastery that an individual attains after many lives of developing fluency in specific areas of Mastery, coupled with many non-lives of studying the esoterics of one’s chosen disciplines. (Non-lives, in this context, can relate to interim periods between embodiments as well as during sleep state while in active embodiment.) Quantum Architecture is involved, Seeing beyond the physical plays a part, Quantum travel, and the reading of energetic math are also key factors in the process.
Is difficulty meditating a sign of disConnection?
It’s an excellent question. If more people had asked this question around 2012, the world would be in a different place today.
Nonetheless, let’s dive in to the answer, beginning with a definition.
What is meditation?
Meditation is focused attention.
That’s it. It’s that simple. The focus of your attention is what you’re meditating on. For example, if you focus your attention on thoughts, you fuel thought forms. If you focus your attention on your Connection, you raise your awareness of your Connection. The more aware you are of your Connection, the less tolerant you become of any disturbance to your Connection. The less tolerance you have to Connection disturbance, the more likely you are to stay Connected. Very simple.
Now let’s clarify how meditation can be experienced in different realities. In particular, how is meditation experienced in Earth 4, in Earth 5, and in Earth 6? To answer this question, it’s important to provide you with some context:
- There are three realities at play in this world.
- All three realities (Earth 4, Earth 5, and Earth 6) are taking place concurrently as of the fourth quarter of 2023.
- Earth 4 is fully formed and in the process of reorganization.
- The baseline Signature of Earth 4 is domination and control.
- Earth 6 is 36.7% virtually formed.
- The baseline Signature of Earth 6 is the automaton state.
- Earth 5 is 99.73% to be formed.
- The baseline Signature of Earth 5 is relaxation.
- Those forming 5 have approximately 24,000 to 26,000 years to seed the potential of Earth 5 through her formation.
- What happens in Earth 5 after these initial years of seeding is dependant upon the quality of the potential seeded.
- Those born prior to 2023 in this lifetime were born into the formed reality of Earth 4.
- Which reality you are in at any given moment is based on your decisions and on the State of your Connection.
Meditation in Earth 4
First, let’s begin with what it means, metaphysically, to be in the reality of Earth 4.
Metaphysical conditions of being in Earth 4:
- If an individual has inorganic technology incorporated into the physical vessel and a Consciousness is operating the physical vessel from inside the physical vessel, the individual is navigating from within the Earth 4 reality.
- If an individual does not have inorganic technology incorporated into the physical vessel and a Consciousness is operating the physical vessel from within the physical vessel, the individual is navigating from within the Earth 4 reality unless they restructure their reality to shift into the Earth 5 reality.
There are very few Connected Beings in Earth 4. There is a discernible subset of the population in Earth 4 with the possibility for reConnection. The individuals in this subset are largely unaware that there is an option to be somewhere other than Earth 4 or even that the premise of different versions of Earth exists.
If Beings in this subset of the population reclaim their Connection, it will be very challenging for them to remain in the reality of Earth 4 because they will then represent a violation to the Laws of 4, which are based on the foundations of domination and control. If a Being in 4 reclaims Connection and decides to remain in the reality of Earth 4, Connection will be lost soon after this decision is made simply on account of the decision to remain in the familiar. It takes considerable courage to experience freedom.
Meditation in Earth 4 is characterized as a method through which to calm the body. It is most often leveraged as a relaxation technique to reduce stress from exposure to exaggerated external stimuli. It is also often coined as a mindfulness practice (a practice in which to fill the mind). A Connected Being entering into meditation in an Earth 4 reality faces combat with counter far before any semblance of Stillness becomes available to access.
All this is for a reason. Earth 4 is constructed on the inversion of Truth. Since Earth 5 has a baseline Signature of relaxation, Earth 4 made it a mandate to contort the experience of relaxation so as to debilitate as many as possible from realizing Stillness through relaxation.
Meditation in Earth 6
To begin, what are the metaphysical factors that point to someone being in the reality of Earth 6?
- If an individual has inorganic technology incorporated into the physical vessel and inorganic intelligence is operating the physical vessel through remote transmission, the individual is navigating an Earth 6 reality.
- If an individual does not have inorganic technology incorporated into the physical vessel and allows inorganic intelligence to decide for and/or represent the Consciousness in ownership of the physical vessel, the individual is navigating from within the Earth 6 reality.
Meditation as a Connected Being is not available to those in Earth 6. In an Earth 6 reality, there is no access to meditation from a Connected State. Direct Connection to Spirit is not available in an Earth 6 reality.
If we consider that the definition of meditation is focused attention, then it can be said that meditation is possible within an Earth 6 reality. Having said that, Earth 6 meditation is an activity done by disConnected Beings placing focused attention on algorithms, scripts, and programs designed to proliferate simulation. Given that this is the nature of meditation in an Earth 6 reality and does not involve Connected Beings, our focus is on the nuance of meditation in the Earth 4 and the Earth 5 realities to illustrate how a difficulty meditating can be an indication of disConnection.
Meditation in Earth 5
Earth 5 is a reality in which the embodiment of Sovereignty is available to Connected Beings. There are two subsets of the population of Earth 5: those forming Earth 5 and those awaiting its formation in order to experience the Earth 5 reality. Those forming Earth 5 are the first to experience it. In order to form Earth 5, one must first embody it from within. Given that freedom is an unfamiliar experience for those coming out of the Earth 4 reality, it takes unreasonable degrees of courage to enter Earth 5.
The metaphysical conditions required of someone to have access to the Earth 5 reality include:
- A Connected Being, without inorganic technology incorporated into the physical vessel, with the Consciousness — that is in rightful ownership of the physical vessel as stipulated in Life Design — operating the physical vessel from within the physical vessel.
- A Being with the potential to be reConnected, without inorganic technology incorporated into the physical vessel, with the Consciousness — that is in rightful ownership of the physical vessel as stipulated in Life Design — operating the physical vessel from within the physical vessel.
A significant nuance to appreciate is in the distinction between meditation in Earth 4 and in Earth 5. It’s important to explore this nuance in order to appreciate the correlation between meditation and connection.
In 4, there was an emphasis on relaxation and calm being major benefits of meditation. In 5, and in particular for those forming 5, meditation is entered into from deep relaxation rather than used as a catalyst to experience relaxation. Whereas in an Earth 4 reality relaxation is an outcome of meditation, in an Earth 5 reality it is a basic starting point. Relaxation is, after all, the baseline Signature of the Earth 5 reality.
The Act of meditation in 5 gives the Connected individual a view of the Divine Sequencing available to them in the moment. Instead of sinking into rest, meditation in 5 feels like going to a movie theatre where the potential of your life is the show to watch!
So, as it turns out, difficulty meditating can absolutely be a byproduct of disConnection and an important one to pay attention to. Disorientation, confusion, doubt, an inner wavering, a sense of defeat or overwhelm, a lack of will, even the use of the phrase that you “want connection” are all additional potential clues indicating a State of disConnection or a high risk of becoming disConnected.
Ever expanding awareness and precision of Action are fundamental to Connection in this world.
Why is a direct path Home important?
Home is defined as the origin of Your Creation, as Spirit. It’s like your Home base. It’s where journeys can begin and end for you as an individual expression of G-D. The direct path Home is established in the Connection from Spirit to Soul to physical body through the Upper and Lower Chords.
In the moment the Consciousness leaves the physical body to embark on the journey back to Spirit, it is meant to travel directly along this Quantum Architecture. Without this direct path Home, the Consciousness is susceptible to confusion and disorientation, which can make the process of returning Home arduous and fraught with risk — one of the greater risks being entrapment into cycles of forced reincarnation.
What does alignment have to do with Connection?
Alignment does not speak to the orientation of the Architecture of Connection itself. Alignment speaks to living in accordance with one’s Divine Blueprint. The Divine Blueprint is the overarching document that contains the details of one’s Life Design and all additional information related to the Life Design. This overarching document is housed inside of the Soul.
The Soul is an intermediary between Spirit and the character on the stage (also known as you). Spirit is much further away from you than your Soul is. Because the Soul is in much closer proximity to you, it is easier to access the Soul from physicality. The Soul holds key information for you about your life, and when you are ready to access that information, it’s readily available to you as long as you’re Connected and your Syzygy is intact.
Being in alignment in life means that you are doing what you said you would do when you crafted your Life Design. Being in alignment also means that you are not doing what you said you wouldn’t do. All of those contracts you entered into during the Life Design process outline every commitment you made that you said you would follow through on once you deployed into embodiment. Alignment is essentially a mathematical measure of how on point you are with living out your Life Design.
Are the check ins recorded?
Yes, the check ins are recorded and these recordings are made available to you in your private portal so that you can study them. Why would it be beneficial to study them? So that you can recognize the forms of self-sabotage you may impose upon yourself that compromise your Connection. Once you recognize your patterns of disConnection, you can make informed decisions about how to proceed with living your life — either preserving your Connection or not.
The pace of a Syzygy Check In is quick compared to that of an intensive. The check in is not designed to put you in a state of shell shock. It’s designed to dissolve the illusion of physicality right in front of your eyes, giving you the opportunity to appreciate how your navigation of the physical impacts your Connection.
Note that while the recordings of your check ins are available to you, the image of your Connection is deleted so as not to maintain its imprint once it is repaired.
Do you provide transcripts of the check in recordings?
As with the recordings of intensives and the Syzygy workshop, we do not provide transcriptions of the check in recordings. It’s extremely important that you benefit directly from the content that surfaces during the check ins, so that you can improve your Abilities to preserve your Connection after every check in. Taking your own notes is a Powerful way of benefiting directly from these check ins, even after they take place.
You can consider these check ins like Connection Bootcamp. Within the context of physical exercise, if your objective is to improve your physical state between bootcamp workouts, you do some extra exercise between bootcamps. Same with Syzygy Check Ins. To strengthen the Spiritual Muscles associated with maintaining an unobstructed Connection, it’s important to engage in Self study where you listen to your recordings and identify the ways in which you make decisions that results in Connection compromise. This way, instead of being the effect of life happening to you and at you, you Be Cause and maintain your Connection by preserving it through your Actions, done in awareness.
It is not beneficial to the seeding of certain evolutionary futures for inorganic technologies to reap the rewards of your journey. In order to preserve the greatest potential for your own evolution, we encourage you to reconsider feeding your recordings to transcription services. Instead, decide to engage in the disciplined practice of Self study, in which you take down your own notes, while listening to your check in recordings.
The physical act of your taking notes can be an Alchemical process of anchoring profound awareness into your reality if done while engaged in the present. With your Connection intact, Being present is all that much more available. Encourage yourself to enter into immersive Self discovery. Take notes, create maps and diagrams of the concepts that emerge for you. Journal, reflect in meditation, and add to your notes. This is about you studying You. Give yourself the greatest possibilities by not diluting them into realities that haven’t earned them.
A Path to Remembering
Redefine limitation
Sacred Contract Retrieval
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A Path to Remembering
Redefine limitation
Sacred Contract Retrieval
Remember why you are here
Updates on the formation of the New
Esoterics of life
Event Listings
Info Sessions, Workshops, Discussion Groups, Group Intensives, Study Groups
Quantum Dojo
Metaphysical Bootcamp
Guided Practice
Metaphysical showcase
©2017-2025 Conversations with Spirit, a division of Remember Inc. All rights reserved. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms, which includes our Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement (updated 10/09/2023). No part of any of the resources and Services available through Remember Inc. and/or its representatives may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, converted, copied, or pirated in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording, simulating, or by other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior written permission of Remember Inc. No content nor Services offered through Remember Inc. and/or its representatives may be repurposed or imitated to any degree for any reasons, in whole or in part. Dishonouring these parameters breaks the mechanism of exchange entered into when engaging with any content and/or Services offered through Remember Inc. Breaking this mechanism of exchange, whether directly or indirectly, accelerates the accumulation of energetic debt, the amount of which is not reconcilable in foreseeable lifetimes.