Why breakfast?
Not everyone experiences their energetic peak at the same time everyday. Some people are early birds: they wake up with eyes wide open, smile at the alarm clock as it beeps incessantly on the side table, and sprint to the window to check how many fluffy clouds are ready to greet them. These people tend to experience profound meditative depths in the early hours of the day. They enjoy stretching their bodies and oxygenating theirs cells through physical movement as the sun rises. Their energy peaks in the early part of the day, which means that their Spiritual muscles tend to be more active in the morning. These people do well in a breakfast series.
Our Reason for launching the breakfast series is to bring together those of you who are part of the first wave of Beings bringing the New into form. You are not alone. We invite you to challenge yourselves by ramping up your Spiritual discipline in a way that is unique to this transitionary time on the planet. This specific group of Beings has the unique opportunity to alleviate many of the challenges humanity faces with bringing in the New. The way to alleviate these challenges is by doing it ahead of its time. Not everyone can Be ahead of their time, but you can. The meditation that is a part of the breakfast series enables you to actively bring the New into the Now.
A breakfast series takes place twice a month in Toronto, Canada. We meet for 4 hours in the mornings. We begin with a one-hour New Earth meditation (a process we Guide you through if this is New to you), and then we engage in immersive conversation over breakfast. During every breakfast series, you participate in 8+ hours of group conversation every month and you develop and strengthen the Spiritual muscles associated with bringing the New into the Now.
Upcoming Dates
Recordings of all of the breakfast conversations in which you participate are available in your private portal for further Self study.
Network of Consciousness
Conversations Live is designed to bring you community at a point on your journey when life doesn’t seem to feel the same way it used to. Many of you are finding that the connections you had with people in your lives are changing. The connections that were once strong don’t feel as strong anymore. Friendships may be dissolving, family members may be having a hard time understanding you. There are very real reasons for the changes many are experiencing, changes that may feel difficult to move through. You don’t have to move through them alone. Finding a community of others going through similar experiences helps clarify a lot of the questions running through your mind and can resolve a lot of the confusion and doubt.
These breakfast events expand your network of consciousness on this plane. Your network of consciousness can be defined as the connections you cultivate with others who also Know they are Spiritual Beings having a human experience, here to Serve on a large scale. From an energetic perspective, expanding this network gives you and all those in your network access to the collective Power of co-creation. From a social perspective, this network transcends the rudimentary professional networking construct of the old world and moves into the cultivation of Soul connections in a State of awareness, thus making it much easier to navigate the process of embodiment without succumbing to isolation in the name of self-preservation.
Participating in a breakfast series connects you face-to-face with fellow early birds with whom you have the possibility of reestablishing age-old connections. With every Conversations Live you participate in, you access New opportunities to flourish in a reality we are all collectively bringing into form.
If you would like to create your own group of up to 4 members to participate in a bespoke Conversations Live series together, send us a note to explore the options.
How do we meet?
We meet in person near Bathurst and Sheppard in Toronto. When you register, you receive all the details on how to get there and where to park (if you’re driving). These sessions are recorded and the recordings are made available to you after the group sessions, however you are welcome to also bring paper and pen if you like to take notes.
How do I prepare for each session?
Consider being willing to let go of everything that ties you to the old. The rest will organically unfold once you make your decision.
Late registration
To preserve group dynamics, registration closes once a series goes live. Scroll to the bottom of this page to subscribe to our email updates to be the first to learn of new upcoming dates in the Conversations Live series.
You must be at least 18 years of age to participate.
There are no refunds for this event but you are welcome to offer your spot to someone else in your place. Please note, however, that it’s important to preserve group dynamics, so we ask that if you decide to offer your spot to someone else, you do so before the first date of the series.
Preservation of Space
In order to ensure the safety and privilege of the Space within which We hold these conversations, we reserve the right to decline registration to any and all who do not align with the Sacred Mandate of the Space.