What's an actualizer?
Actualizer sessions are offered to those who have completed their Sacred Contract retrieval process and have entered into purposeful and precise Action. These sessions support you in completing the disclosures of Actualization and The Contract within the Contract. (Take a Look at your stickies for both of these disclosures for perspective on what you focus on during these sessions.) In addition to your follow-up session post-retrieval, one four-hour in-person actualizer session is included in your Sacred Contract retrieval process. You are free to schedule further sessions as they Serve.
NOTE: You’ll notice that “Action” is capitalized many times on this page. Appreciating the distinction between “action” and “Action” is extremely important. When we take “action,” we are generally the effect of our reality. When we take “Action,” we are taking it in awareness while Being present in the Now moment. When we take “Action,” we are no longer running on autopilot in which we are the effect of everything that happens to us. When we take “Action,” we no longer drag our past with us everywhere we go. When we take “Action,” we have the ability to apply purposeful precision to the Act of Creation. When we take “Action,” we are cause.
The Reason for offering actualizer sessions
In this process of Self realization, the human State of mind may experience some discomfort. Expanding into Your bigness (Your Isness) can come with some life changes that may appear daunting. It’s a process that involves stepping far outside of your comfort zone while maintaining steadiness and stability for the purpose of bringing more of You, as Spirit, into this world. This energetic recalibration is essentially a relatively advanced stage of embodiment.
Because the human aspect of you can feel intimidated by this process of expansion as you determine your next steps, acts of self-sabotage may begin to creep into your daily routine. These acts of self-sabotage are the human’s way of increasing the constraints of your reality in order to keep you from expanding your awareness and accessing more of Your Power. These tendencies are often indiscernible to the person performing the self-sabotage but often make a significant impact on stunting the organic accelerated flow into which you enter upon Remembering. Actualizer sessions are the counter to the self-sabotage. (Self-sabotage, as it happens, is a form of counter intention.)
There are two predominant ways in which you can sabotage yourself during Actualization. You can either inundate yourself with all of the things that keep you busy and steeped in noise, or you can stagnate in a suspended State of overwhelm.
Inundation, as a form of self-sabotage, is caused by attachment. On the path to self-sabotaging inundation, we justify perfectly why we can’t change the way things are (thereby being attached to the familiar). Those on the path to inundation often leverage the illusion of time as a reason for why things aren’t possible or acceptable or even bearable. They may even villainize people who are “supposed to” be helping them, thus entering into the dynamic of victimhood.
Whereas inundation can come from a specific attachment to something familiar in which you place value (like your job), the path to inundation can also come from an all-encompassing attachment to the human experience (or to the “known” as represented by this reality). For those who revel in the dynamics of the drama, the prospect of disengaging from the human experience can stimulate intense internal conflict and result in self-sabotaging inundation.
Why is inundation an issue? It’s because it creates bottlenecks that block flow. If you attach to existing factors in your life that you resist or refuse to release, you create energetic bottlenecks that eventually lead to spillage. When spillage occurs, we are essentially squandering or misdirecting the energy of vitality that is flowing to us from Source. The bottleneck constricts our access to this energy. As a result, we reject much of what is rightfully ours to receive. Once we begin to squander vital energy, we begin to accumulate significant energetic debt.
Wealth, on the other hand, is the overflow of accumulated abundance of prosperity. When you walk the path of least resistance, in alignment with your Reason for Being here, you position yourself to access the abundance of prosperity that comes from allowance. In order to Serve in a State of well-Being, we must come from a place of wealth; otherwise, the Service is fuelled by the energy we are allocated to keep us alive. Fuelling anything with the energy specifically allocated to keeping us alive generally leads to a reduction in the number of breaths remaining or, at the very least, to an increase in physical dis-ease.
Overwhelm, the second way most choose to self-sabotage, originates in an excess of doubt mixed with weak or wavering will. Doubt is a product of various forms of counter intention that are amplifying any uncertainty that is infused in your Signature Energy Pattern. If you have not cleared uncertainty from the energy you resonate at and radiate out, it represents a compromised or refracted aspect of your energetic expression.
Never has it been more True than Now that we are challenged to explore the compromised, or refracted, aspects of ourselves in order to clear our own paths. If there is any doubt within you related to your ability to fulfill your Sacred Contract, examining the doubt is the greatest Gift you can give yourself at this stage of your journey. It is when your will wavers on account of amplified doubt that you find the details of your Sacred Contract too overwhelming to move through and express out into the world. Addressing the doubt empowers you to clear it. Clearing the doubt intensifies and amplifies your will. It is when your will does not waver that you can Serve with certainty.
When you allow yourself freedom to contribute in Service, You give permission for Your Attributes to shine through the human. This is what we mean by Spirit embodied, for it is no longer an abstraction of the imagination, but rather an infusion into the tangible experience of human. Your stature is felt as you exude Love from its place of Origin, with no condition nor qualification attached to it. It is in this unconditional State of giving that you become the catalyst for others to consider choosing a path of Service as expressed in their own unique ways. Thus, the Divine domino effect can take place throughout all of humanity.
The Reason for offering actualizer sessions
Once you Remember the details of your Sacred Contract, you go through many subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) stages of energetic recalibration in which your cells adapt to be able to hold more Light. Your perception of the way life works changes. Definitions of the words you use take on different meanings. You begin to realize how big You really Is.
In this process of Self realization, the human State of mind may experience some discomfort. Expanding into Your bigness (Your Isness) can come with some life changes that may appear daunting. It’s a process that involves stepping far outside of your comfort zone while maintaining steadiness and stability for the purpose of bringing more of You, as Spirit, into this world. This energetic recalibration is essentially a relatively advanced stage of embodiment.
Because the human aspect of you can feel intimidated by this process of expansion as you determine your next steps, acts of self-sabotage may begin to creep into your daily routine. These acts of self-sabotage are the human’s way of increasing the constraints of your reality in order to keep you from expanding your awareness and accessing more of Your Power. These tendencies are often indiscernible to the person performing the self-sabotage but often make a significant impact on stunting the organic accelerated flow into which you enter upon Remembering. Actualizer sessions are the counter to the self-sabotage. (Self-sabotage, as it happens, is a form of counter intention.)
There are two predominant ways in which you can sabotage yourself during Actualization. You can either inundate yourself with all of the things that keep you busy and steeped in noise, or you can stagnate in a suspended State of overwhelm.
Inundation, as a form of self-sabotage, is caused by attachment. On the path to self-sabotaging inundation, we justify perfectly why we can’t change the way things are (thereby being attached to the familiar). Those on the path to inundation often leverage the illusion of time as a reason for why things aren’t possible or acceptable or even bearable. They may even villainize people who are “supposed to” be helping them, thus entering into the dynamic of victimhood.
Whereas inundation can come from a specific attachment to something familiar in which you place value (like your job), the path to inundation can also come from an all-encompassing attachment to the human experience (or to the “known” as represented by this reality). For those who revel in the dynamics of the drama, the prospect of disengaging from the human experience can stimulate intense internal conflict and result in self-sabotaging inundation.
Why is inundation an issue? It’s because it creates bottlenecks that block flow. If you attach to existing factors in your life that you resist or refuse to release, you create energetic bottlenecks that eventually lead to spillage. When spillage occurs, we are essentially squandering or misdirecting the energy of vitality that is flowing to us from Source. The bottleneck constricts our access to this energy. As a result, we reject much of what is rightfully ours to receive. Once we begin to squander vital energy, we begin to accumulate significant energetic debt.
Wealth, on the other hand, is the overflow of accumulated abundance of prosperity. When you walk the path of least resistance, in alignment with your Reason for Being here, you position yourself to access the abundance of prosperity that comes from allowance. In order to Serve in a State of well-Being, we must come from a place of wealth; otherwise, the Service is fuelled by the energy we are allocated to keep us alive. Fuelling anything with the energy specifically allocated to keeping us alive generally leads to a reduction in the number of breaths remaining or, at the very least, to an increase in physical dis-ease.
Overwhelm, the second way most choose to self-sabotage, originates in an excess of doubt mixed with weak or wavering will. Doubt is a product of various forms of counter intention that are amplifying any uncertainty that is infused in your Signature Energy Pattern. If you have not cleared uncertainty from the energy you resonate at and radiate out, it represents a compromised or refracted aspect of your energetic expression.
Never has it been more True than Now that we are challenged to explore the compromised, or refracted, aspects of ourselves in order to clear our own paths. If there is any doubt within you related to your ability to fulfill your Sacred Contract, examining the doubt is the greatest Gift you can give yourself at this stage of your journey. It is when your will wavers on account of amplified doubt that you find the details of your Sacred Contract too overwhelming to move through and express out into the world. Addressing the doubt empowers you to clear it. Clearing the doubt intensifies and amplifies your will. It is when your will does not waver that you can Serve with certainty.
When you allow yourself freedom to contribute in Service, You give permission for Your Attributes to shine through the human. This is what we mean by Spirit embodied, for it is no longer an abstraction of the imagination, but rather an infusion into the tangible experience of human. Your stature is felt as you exude Love from its place of Origin, with no condition nor qualification attached to it. It is in this unconditional State of giving that you become the catalyst for others to consider choosing a path of Service as expressed in their own unique ways. Thus, the Divine domino effect can take place throughout all of humanity.
When do I schedule an actualizer?
Book an actualizer when you benefit from support in taking purposeful and precise Action as you progress on the journey of fulfilling your Sacred Contract. If the clarity of your vision starts to become detailed enough that you feel a bottleneck forming, schedule an actualizer to keep momentum flowing. If you feel yourself getting stuck, book an actualizer to resolve the unresolved so that you don’t expose yourself to the risk of stagnation.
For example, say you’ve completed your Sacred Contract retrieval process and you come to realize that you have:
- a New business to form with inspired New branding
- a New website to create
- a social media campaign strategy to formulate and implement
- three workshops to put out as soon as possible (so that you can start generating revenue in exchange for your willingness to Serve and so that more of those you are here to Serve can find you),
- to price your workshops so as to ensure a healthy mechanism of exchange, and
- two books to write (all while working your current full-time job for now and managing your household).
Say you also come to realize that the friends in your life aren’t on the same page as you are anymore. You want to figure out how to navigate the gentle untethering of certain connections, while you begin to explore New communities where you can form deeply meaningful connections with others of like kind. Maybe joining New communities with some of your current friends could also help you establish stronger foundations with your dearest connections.
At first, these realizations will feel like distant (and manageable) inspiration. Sometimes you’ll wake up in the morning and the first thing that pops into your awareness is that you’re going to have your own company and finally be able to work for yourself. But as you move through the process of energetically recalibrating to a higher vibration, you start to access more specific details of how to form your vision into your New reality.
At this progressive stage, you may wake up with a vision of what your homepage looks like, the colours to brand your company, the image of your New logo, and the names of three people to contact (out of the blue) so that you can share with them the details of your upcoming workshops (that you haven’t started creating yet). It also begins to dawn on you that if you actually move forward with all of these plans, you’re going to openly be talking to people about aspects of yourself that you’ve kept hidden your whole life.
If you’re the type of person who finds it challenging to take Action, this is when overwhelm begins to flood you. If, on the other hand, you open-heartedly welcome the inspiration but you haven’t quite gotten used to navigating at constantly accelerating speeds as you simultaneously expand into greater and more all-encompassing aspects of You, this is when an energetic bottleneck can begin to form. Or, a little bit of both; depending on your personality.
Whether it’s overwhelm or a bottleneck, their cause is the same: resistance. Subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) levels of resistance within you stimulate you into a State of contraction. But remember that once you retrieve the details of your Sacred Contract, you enter into accelerated flow. And once you enter into accelerated flow, the name of the New game is effortless expansion. The moment you get triggered to contract, you begin a battle within yourself against your natural State of expansion. This battle often manifests as frustration, discouragement, resentment, and lots of doubt in your ability to accomplish what you’ve come here to accomplish. At this point, Spirit steps aside as the ego takes the driver’s seat. When the ego is driving, you take an offramp and exit the Highway of Alignment.
Knowing when to request support and guidance as you enter into actualizing your Sacred Work is a reflection of your strength and your courage. Trust that you Know when an actualizer is of Service to you as you move through the stages of fulfilling your Sacred Contract.
What takes place during an actualizer session?
Well, lots of stickies are involved and you may walk away with numerous sheets of flip chart paper to add to your office walls. And, most importantly, you sprint!
No, not literally. These are special kinds of sprints called design sprints. Design sprints come from both the software development and the design worlds. At its simplest, a design sprint identifies a set period during which you decide to complete specific work. It kind of sounds like a goal or an objective or a task on a to do list. And it is. But it’s also more.
You see, there is a reason why sprints became an essential process in both software development and design. In these professional arenas, there exists a common thread: the developers and the designers have access to Seeing the bigger picture of the overall project before they even start creating. Many visionaries work in these fields and bring with them the contribution of Sight. But sooner or later, Seeing the bigger picture has the tendency to paralyze the Seer if Seeing is not done in conjunction with Doing (where “Doing” denotes constructive Action rather than busyness).
In order not to become paralyzed, the visionary must surrender. Sight is a Gift that invites the opportunity for expansion if the visionary is willing to surrender to the organic flow of creation/Creation. For the most part, the visionary does not dictate what is Seen but the visionary can determine how much is manageable in any given moment. Since Looking at the bigger picture can feel unmanageable very quickly, sprints give the visionary a way to make the creation/Creation process comfortable for the mind and the body.
To respect the organic flow of creation while working in collaboration with the mind, the concept of sprints was established. Sprints give the mind a manageable chunk of work to process at a given time without the looming threat of “all the work that’s left to do to get this done.” The only job for the mind to do in a sprint is to focus on completing the manageable chunk of work identified within the parameters of the sprint. Simple! And oh so satisfying once the sprint is complete. The completion of every sprint can be a celebration, big or small.
Through Action comes clarity. Sprints are a construct that reinforces agility while supporting the mind in being comfortably productive. The stickies support the agility. You sequence the stickies in the order that makes the most sense and as you work through completing them, you reorder them to ensure you maintain alignment in flow. This is why notebooks don’t Serve to support design sprints; you can’t rip a page out of a notebook and insert it in a different order as you See more of your bigger picture (without tearing your notebook apart). Binders work better but stickies are the most malleable of paper products within this context. Yes, you can also go digital but anchoring insight with paper and pen is a more impactful initial step in the process as you build momentum while densifying subtlety.
A common reaction to feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of the creative process is to put up walls. The part of you that is resistant to moving through the discomfort you may face right before you create/Create puts up walls to keep the intensity of the discomfort at bay. What the resistant part of you doesn’t realize is that those very walls that it thinks keep you safe are instead stimulating stagnation.
The Soul struggles to stay connected to a Being in stagnation. If human insists on remaining in stagnation, the Soul has little other choice but to remove itself from the experience. Stagnation may mean a lack of productivity to the human, but it means something much more serious to the Soul. The Reason for a life on an experiential plane is precisely to move through the flow of creation/Creation as effortlessly as possible in order to Remember Our very nature as whole, complete, and unique expressions of Source here to Serve the Highest. But until we Remember, we cannot access our unique expressions of the creative/Creative flow. Once accessed, the main objective is to surrender to this flow.
Agility is key. The only way to keep moving forward is to be agile. By entering into a State of agility, you maintain the organic momentum of expansion instead of constructing obstacles that cause stagnation. To give you an analogy, consider the hundred-year-old tree. It does not waver in a storm. It bends and sways to the tune of the wind and the rain in order not to break but it stands firm in its roots with a focus on its bigger picture to grow tall in the space between the ground and the sky. Be the tree.
Because of the specifically calibrated Space we hold during an actualizer session, what you engage in is more than design sprints. You elevate them into Spirit sprints. Actualizers are certainly about putting into practical terms how to fulfill your Sacred Contract every step of the way. But you aren’t fixed in the mind while you sprint; you come from Spirit. When you come from Spirit in this process (we’ll hold the Space to make this manageable the whole way through), you transcend the need to rationalize every detail while being limited by the constraints of time and space. Instead, you shift out of linear planning and into the flow of Divine Sequencing where you are equipped to Be effortlessly agile as you witness the scenes on the stage unfold. The byproduct of your agility is the slowing of time, which leads to Being ahead of your time. That is when cause impacts the world in a way that goes down in history.

Single Session
1 hour
3 hours
in person

Discounted Bundles
15% off
3 hours online
minimum of 1 hour per session
9 hours in person
minimum of 3 hours per session
tailor your hours in combinations that suit you
hours don’t expire

Discounted Packages
25% off
8 hours online
minimum of 1 hour per session
16 hours in person
minimum of 3 hours per session
tailor your hours in combinations that suit you
hours don’t expire
What’s the difference between an actualizer and an intensive?
Where an intensive is focused on cleaning the window pane so that you can See an expansive view of your horizon, an actualizer clarifies the Action steps ahead of you as you create your vision of New Earth. Actualizers incorporate intensives whenever you identify a concentration of a lack of resolution that you are willing to clear. In this way, you clear your path simultaneously as you accelerate into expansion.

Purposeful Precision in Action
counter intention to inundation and overwhelm

Why the symbol?
Sacred geometry is embedded within the symbol of the actualizer. The star symbolizes the I Am. The vesica piscis represents the geometry of the energy of Creation. The dot at the top represents You, as Spirit, and the vertical line symbolizes your direct connection to Source. We will go into the esoteric meaning of the marriage of the star and the vesica piscis during your actualizer sessions. For now, Know that once you get to Step 6 on the path of Remembering, you are tasked with embodying Spirit as you Create in Your Field of Potentiality.