Celestial Wind that either carries or Guides or pushes or forces a Being to its apex; an Attribute of Atmospheric Influence; a representation of Divine Intervention
ORIGIN: to carry forward
What are you willing to change?
the lofty and the extraordinary won’t help you here
overextending yourself, overpromising yourself, and indulging in hope will only mire you in more debt
be careful when you answer this prompt, for it is either representative of an impending liberation or an invitation to suppress yourself
identify one thing in your life that you are willing to change
once you’ve done that, the only thing left is to put that change into practice
Consider posting your reflections here on what surfaces for you.
What’s New?
Mastery is very much a part of the New. I get that it’s not a new concept. I get that it’s one of those overused and tarnished words that people have married with the mind. Just as the mind cannot help you enter into the experience of the New, neither can a diminished conceptualization of Mastery.
Provector is the word this month. It is the feature for an important reason and that reason is tied to the function that Mastery has in the New. To examine the significance of Provector, it benefits us to take a few steps back. Let’s do that together. Let’s begin at how life happens.
Very generally, and very broadly speaking, we can have the option to Design our life before we live it. In the process of Life Design, we establish many commitments detailing the things that we agree to do and the things we agree not to do in the life. All of these commitments are formulated into Contracts.
There is a very particular kind of Contract that can be included in a Life Design but it’s not the kind of Contract that everyone has the option to establish. This particular Contract is called the Sacred Contract. The main difference between the Sacred Contract and all other Contracts within a Life Design is that the Sacred Contract is only available to those who have cultivated a minimum baseline level of Mastery in any area of specialization in which the individual cultivates Mastery. Again, we’re speaking generally and broadly but it’s important to have this light touch as we start off our conversation.
Mastery is cultivated through a process. The outcome of attaining Mastery is the receipt of something called an Attribute. Attributes are activated aspects of G-D. What does that mean? Well, first of all, it means that Mastery is a big deal. It takes a looooong “time” to cultivate and involves passing many Initiations, which are basically like invisible challenges that test our capacity to represent and embody various degrees of Mastery with integrity. It also means that the attainment of Mastery activates within us an aspect of G-D that was previously dormant.
If an individual decides to enter into a Sacred Contract during the process of Life Design, they are given the option to include one or more of their Attributes in their Design. These Attributes are held within the Soul and remain in close proximity to the individual once they deploy into embodiment.
When an Attribute is included into one’s Life Design, it means that the individual has access to the degree of Mastery represented in their selected Attribute(s) immediately upon birth. There’s a very strategic reason for this: an individual with a Sacred Contract would not be likely to fulfill their Sacred Contract if they had to spend a great deal of their life to first develop Mastery. That’s because a Sacred Contract is quite massive in scope. Since they have already attained Mastery at some point along their multilife journey, they can leverage that achievement by including their Attribute into their Life Design and focus their vitality on the Actualization of their Sacred Contract rather than on preparation to Actualize it.
Attributes come in many different expressions. Sight — in other words, the Ability to See beyond the physical world — is an Attribute. Quantum Architecture — in other words, the Ability to Masterfully craft structures in the Quantum — is another example of an Attribute. Provector is also an example of an Attribute and one that is not as prevalent nor explored by most. Because it is such a potent Attribute, and one that is rarely available on this planet, it’s important we take this opportunity to examine it together for a moment because it’s available to experience in this lifetime.
The concept of the provector/Provector has two interpretations in this world. One of these interpretations is known and familiar within mathematics. The other interpretation is relatively unknown but to a few. As of this moment, you join those few.
Because of the dual expressions of provector/Provector, we can consider this concept as being both exoteric and esoteric. The exoteric interpretation of provector has been explored and is applied within the field of advanced calculus. The esoteric interpretation of Provector is a metaphysical combination of many aspects of Mastery that produce an advanced invisible Ability.
My etymological research into what Provector means initially plummeted me down a mathematical rabbit hole of such advanced concepts of absolute differential calculus, that I could hardly make sense of any of my discoveries. As challenging as it was to continue with the process, I Knew that there were established mathematical concepts that I had to grasp, albeit with novice capacity. I Knew that I would be deconstructing the components of this Attribute one day, in order to appreciate its expression of the marriage of mathematics and metaphysics.
You may be please to hear that this is not the day that I will be deconstructing Provector using mathematics. It is the day, however, in which I speak out more publicly about this Attribute, its nature, and purpose in this monumental life.
In Sanskrit, provector is the word pravaha-vāyu (a technical term used in ancient Indian sciences such as astronomy, mathematics, and geometry). In Hindi, pravaha refers to the flow of the breath, while Vāyu is the name of the wind god. Our past points to the existence and acknowledgement of the Presence of this ethereal Gift in the world. Why has it remained so esoteric in nature? Why hasn’t it infused into schools across the globe, exposing children of all ages to the potential that exists on the other side of the transcendence of the human experience?
Is it because it wasn’t the time yet for a discussion about the Superhuman to emerge amongst the people? Perhaps timing had something small to do with it, but fundamentally, it is because an Attribute cannot be learned in school — at least not in the way schools work now — nor can it be earned in the experiences of a single lifetime. Perhaps if the curricula in schools acknowledged that the advancement of the individual actually spans many lives, an initial discourse around the nature of Attributes could be had. As it stands now, it is the responsibility of every individual with the potential to excel beyond the human condition to find these Truths for themselves. It is for this reason that I am featuring Provector in this News Update.
The timing is opportune to have this conversation with you, for it is not often that individuals with the Attribute of Provector come to embody upon a planet. The Divine Intervention represented in the Provector is incredibly potent and would be squandered, and even destructive, if wielded in conditions that do not warrant such drastic Intervention.
It is quite often that at the cusp of the transition from one planetary reality to the next, the Provector may make an appearance, although it is not always guaranteed. For instance, at the cusp of the transition from Earth 3 to Earth 4, humanity experienced a devolution. In this case, there was no need to include this Celestial Wind into the pivotal lifetime in which Earth 4 was birthed into form.
The lifetime we share today represents a very different set of circumstances. In this lifetime, some of humanity has the possibility to evolve out of Earth 4 and into Earth 5. It is for these individuals that Provector is made available in this lifetime. It is also for this reason that the Provector is coined the Fourth Wind, for it is the force that has the capacity to lift individuals out of Earth 4 and Guide them to their apex in this lifetime, an apex that resides in 5.
To conceptualize the Attribute of Provector requires an examination of the individual with this Attribute available to them in this life. In particular, it is important to view the individual with this Attribute as representing a complex mathematical equation that exists in the Quantum. In other words, the individual with this Attribute functions as a complex mathematical equation when embodying and applying Provector through their expression. Note that the embodiment and application of the Provector is not an accomplishment that can be achieved from the mind nor from autopilot; there is significant decision making based on the mathematical assessment of nuance that is involved in the process of leveraging this Attribute.
The equation that encompasses the Intervention made available through the Provector consists of formulating (Seeing) and solving (resolving) concentrations of a lack of resolution that exist multidimensionally that are preventing the individual receiving Provector Intervention from moving forward on evolutionary trajectories. They do this through the illumination of relativity and in doing so, expose broadened perspectives of great depth to the individual willing to accept this Intervention. The Power of the Provector is to influence the recipient’s movement toward the apex or pinnacle of their available potential, while drawing the individual away from influences detrimental to their transcendence. From the recipient’s perspective, Working with someone embodying and applying the Provector Attribute is not a comfortable process that keeps them firmly fixed in their familiar; it is a process that requires great will, courage, focus, and openness of heart to move through.
It is not only the individual recipient who is affected by the Provector Intervention. One example of an extended group of recipients can include all of the Soul Families and Lineages with which the individual is associated. Another example includes those who are Served as a result of its influence. In other words, if the Provector Intervention results in the direct recipient rising above existing obstacles that had been preventing their transcendence into unexplored octaves of their capacity to Serve — and thus, to fulfill their Reason for Being — then the recipients of the Actualized Contribution of the recipient of the Provector Intervention also benefit from the Provector Intervention. This, in essence, provides you with two examples of the nature of the atmospheric influence that Provector can have on its recipients.
An individual with the Provector Attribute Works at the level of Contributing to the evolutionary trajectory of a Celestial Being. In our case, we can refer to Gaia as a case study. Gaia’s evolution is dependant upon the evolution of humanity. Because Gaia relies on the evolutionary process of human Beings, the individuals with the Provector Attribute Work directly with Gaia by providing Divine Intervention to humanity. It is also important to note that all Twin Rays have the Provector included in their Attributes for the life in which they walk the journey of the Ray.
This would be an incomplete discourse if I were not to mention the reference to force in the definition of Provector. The application of force can be a part of the function of the Provector. Do please note that this does not often result in more friends for the one embodying the Provector Attribute. If the individual embodying this Attribute Sees benefit or necessity in doing so, they can force this Wind to raise and propel forward the Being in receipt of this Divine Intervention. However, there is no guarantee that the recipient will remain a few steps ahead upon leaving the atmospheric influence of the Provector. This is, again, where great will, courage, focus, and openness of heart to move through and reap the potential of the encounter are of paramount importance.
Because Provector is an Attribute, is cannot be used on oneself. In order to embody and apply this specific aspect of Mastery, its Custodian must be of capacity to hold themselves in Stillness while maintaining steadiness and stability in infinite expanse. They are required to Witness realities in neutrality, compute High level Energetic Math, surrender to not being of any physicalized reality, and recognizing that their life is not one of personal gain; all the while, honouring the finite nature of the physical vessel and the potential of its Sacred purpose in the embodiment of Spirit in form. To embody and apply the Attribute of Provector into the physical navigation of this world, the Being must also be able to perceive and experience multidimensionality, Be individualized, Self Sourcing, and Sovereign.
Know Thy Self takes on many layers of engagement. The degree of nuance with which we are all composed is far beyond the mind’s capacity to comprehend. The ego has no place in this discourse. In fact, thought alone could spin the reader out into hubris and doubt.
As you process this introduction to the Attribute of the Provector, Know that you have come across this material for a Reason. What that Reason is can only be accessed from within. Allow these words to Serve as the Wind that Guides you on your journey of Self Study. There is much to do.
BEHIND the scenes
March has been less about technology learning curves and more about establishing momentum through consistency. My linear time has been filled with a variety of practices that I focus on cultivating on a weekly basis, so as to strengthen the Presence of my Consciousness both here and in the Quantum. The timeline of a week is the container I Work within as I cultivate these practices, while I leverage the exercises themselves as catalysts for my own expansion. These practices include intensive meditation up to four times a week of approximately one to two hours at a time, the study of The Transcripts one to three times a week, and flow of Consciousness writing up to three times a week. These are generally the practices that I cultivate in the quiet hours before sunrise.
My meditation practice has expanded far beyond placing focused attention on the breath to calm the mind. This was an important initial step that has transformed into a number of Quantum-based activities in which I engage during ceremonial meditation. Before I share with you what those activities are, allow me to clarify what I mean by “ceremonial meditation.”
The definition of meditation is focused attention. When placing your focused attention on something, you are meditating on it. When we take this to be the meaning of meditation, then a Being in awareness of the moment, with their Consciousness fully inhabiting their physical vessel, and making decisions as Cause is modelling meditation on life itself. So when I refer to “ceremonial meditation,” I’m pointing to those pockets of linear time when I dedicate myself to disengaging from the activities of linearity — while Being fully present in physicality — so as to access expanded aspects of my reality.
One of my practices during ceremonial meditation is to access Divine Sequencing as it relates to me. Divine Sequencing can be understood as the next series of steps available to take in order to live life in alignment with one’s Design. Divine Sequencing presents a roadmap of sorts, highlighting what is to take place next before subsequent events become available and it’s all based on current circumstances. Given how decisions so greatly influence Divine Sequencing, it is possible that every time I Look at my Divine Sequencing, even if Looking takes place daily, the series of steps could be entirely different. This is where agility is a valuable tool to leverage; and, in case you’re wondering, the greatest way to sabotage agility is through the attachment to outcomes. I’m pointing this out to highlight how many Spiritual Muscles are involved in the simple Act of meditation.
This may bring up the question for you of what good Divine Sequencing is if it isn’t a fixed set of instructions that wait for you to take action before they update. To that, I will say that Divine Sequencing does not represent instructions; it represents the potential opportunities available as one surrenders to G-D’s Will. If you surrender, these are the opportunities of getting from A to B, where A is where you find yourself in your reality and B is where you have the potential to go. If you value execution, if you appreciate the practice of Actualizing your Design, developing fluency in accessing Divine Sequencing is Boss Level Game Play.
Witnessing Divine Sequencing is like watching the unfolding of the map of your life. If you are well-versed in the computation of Energetic Math, you can also calculate the cause and effect of every step available in the Divine Sequencing that unfolds before you in meditation and with that, your picture expands to an even bigger landscape. Of course, there is an assumption hidden between the lines here. The assumption is that you Know how to expand to Be bigger than your expanding landscape. If you can’t, overwhelm can hit hard. There’s actually another assumption here as well and that is that you value having access to a Bigger Picture. For those of you who are feeling stuck at the prospect of facing your Bigness and stepping into your Power as Cause, Divine Sequencing may very well simply represent more details that add to your stuckness. This is where is it imperative that you are willing to face yourself and consistently resolve the opportunities that present for you to face. In essence, it’s the only way to transition into 5.
The key with accessing Divine Sequencing is not to seek an answer to a specific question in order to resolve drama that one is experiencing on the stage of life. Divine Sequencing isn’t meant to be used as a shortcut to greater comfort; it’s representative of the Actualization that is to take place in order for fulfillment to be had. When you live life according to your Divine Sequence, you live your fullest life. That in no way means you necessarily live your easiest life, nor does it mean that you disregard others’ wellbeing as you take what’s yours. It simply means that when you surrender to G-D’s Will, Divine Sequencing Guides you Home as you walk the path of least resistance.
When I meditate, I often also bilocate my Consciousness. This means that while my Consciousness is in my body, it is also in other places in the Quantum. No, I don’t travel to Bali or visit my favourite olive tree on the coastline of Greece when I bilocate. I am saving the exploration of Gaia’s beauty for the physical experiences it affords. This does seems like an opportune moment to clarify that when I am accessing Divine Sequencing, I am not bilocating but rather applying the Attribute of Sight to Look at the Sequencing as my Consciousness remains in my physical vessel. When engaging in activities during which my Consciousness is in my body as well as in other places in the Quantum, I am travelling as I am stationary.
When bilocating, I check on my Syzygy Connection and I spend a significant amount of “time” within my Soul. Navigating the geography of the Soul has become a profound experience facilitating my surrender. It is a practice I am prepared to begin sharing with those who stabilize in securing the integrity of their Connection, as evidenced in their monthly Syzygy Check Ins. It is also a topic we can explore during Quantum Dojos, however without a consistent practice of maintaining an unencumbered Connection, we can only go as far as the theory of it.
In addition to the activities I complete before sunrise, my weekly practices also include a variety of physical exercises, red light therapy, and being aware of what nutritional fuels represent optimal energy supply for my vessel on any given day. For example, I notice that when I do a lot of Quantum Work, I require more protein. So on days when we have multiple Syzygy Check Ins, I tend to eat more meat than on days when I am focusing on web development and administrative tasks. Speaking of check ins, on days when we have them scheduled, I add approximately an extra half hour per check in to my morning practices to prepare for these sessions by drawing out the Connections and taking notes to share during the scheduled conversations. Again, I share all of this with you to give you greater clarity on what forming 5 looks like in practice and the level of responsibility we all have to ourselves in this process.
When it comes to continuing to build the business in 5, my focus has continued to be on writing content for the site as I maintain established processes to support the existing offers. Established processes include bookkeeping, marketing, website updates, business strategy and business development, all the while maintaining a pulse on not what it going on in 4/6 as much as how those responsible for forming 5 are progressing. Maintaining awareness of the progress being made in the formation of 5 is important in order to attune to Serving the market by establishing tools and resources to Assist in 5’s formation that address the dynamics of current challenges.
Building momentum in writing continues to be an endeavour, in the sense that there are many instances when writing can feel like an attempt to employ effort rather than an effortless flow of anchoring Divine Intelligence into this world. In these instances when it can feel heavy or when my reality feels intensely pressurized, I remind the mind that it can rest as I return to surrendering.
Product development has also continued to be a focal point of investment throughout the month, although because New initiatives are still in incubation, there aren’t many details available to share with you quite yet. Know that as you build out your own offers, it is essential to Be intolerant to their destruction; particularly if your offers are expressions of your Sacred Contract(s). Decide that you represent their birth and incubate them until they are ready to breathe on their own. Once your expressions of the formation of 5 take shape, they do take on a life of their own as they travel the world in Contribution to the New. Give them a chance to make their impact by incubating them until they are ready to share. This is where delayed gratification can become a potent practice to incorporate into your Sacred Discipline.
Remember, from the vantage point of this life, those who are stepping into 5 are stepping into an unexplored landscape. That is the nature of Being on the cusp of a New world. Allow yourself to unapologetically immerse in the discomfort of the unfamiliar as you courageously redefine what you thought would always be the stable hallmarks of your world.
Everything is changing. If you have decided to transition into the New, then all of the details of what you recognized of life are transforming into unrecognizable expressions. You are asked to do the same as you unabashedly walk your path, unphased by the disruptions, untainted by the challenges. You are by no means alone, even if surrounded by the isolation of Being in the eye of the storm of disturbance taking place around you. As Cause, you get to do this on your terms. Pace yourself, prioritize maintaining steadiness and stability in every moment, and Know that the challenges of the initial stages of formation too shall pass.
The Transcripts
“The Universe has been coined G-D inadvertently by many people who are not aware of what they are saying. And these, of course, are pretexts that are being brought forth from the realities of 4.
“The concept of the Universe has been revered by the mass collective and has been so emphasized in belief systems, that it has entered into the vernacular, the common place vernacular of many societies — even those distinguished by their different, or perceived opposing, belief systems. This concept of the Universe as a governing body has been recognized, to varying limited degrees, by many seemingly contradictory groups.
“In 5, it is no longer of benefit to consider the Universe as anything other than the set of parameters that compose the ways in which cause and effect operate within that container. A Universe is as though a bubble or a pocket of operation or, in other words, a container that holds subsets of realities. In this container, or containment, of existence, every Universe has and is asked to abide by and/or align to specific Universal Laws.
“Every Universe has its own Universal Laws. Universal Laws influence subset Laws of every construct of existence within said Universe. It is relevant for you and anyone forming 5, to appreciate the distinction between Universal Laws and Planetary Laws; in this case, the Laws governing the expressions of Gaia and in particular, the Laws of 5.
“Universal Laws specifically refer to how cause and effect operate within a given Universe. They are overarching in scope. Universal Laws then coexist with the independent and individual Planetary Laws that govern a reality on an experiential plane.
“So, in 4, the perception is that the Universe represents or is synonymous with G-D. People will say, “Oh, I’ll ask the Universe.” “Oh, I will allow the Universe to take care of it.” They pray to the Universe and wait for it to provide. Although a perception not associated with a high cost in 4, this nature of reverence toward the Universe represents extreme violation in 5.
“The way to circumvent the violation of the Universal Laws of cause and effect as they relate to 5 is to appreciate that when interacting with the Universe you are in, you are essentially navigating the mathematics and Mechanics of cause and effect as stipulated by the Governing Laws of said Universe, which are then applied to the Planetary Laws of 5.
“Where Universal Laws focus on cause and effect, Planetary Laws focus on the aligned navigation of physicality within the scope of the expression of the Celestial Being’s given version of itself as a planet.
“Cause and effect is not a Universal Law; it is essentially the instruction manual on how the Quantum Mechanics of a Universe work. When one ceases to revere the Universe, there is greater ease, facility, and effortlessness in navigating Planetary Laws without violating them, especially in a Higher construct like that of 5.”
~ Issachar
May 25, 2023
P.R.I.N.T.E.R. friendly

Study Group
once a month
2.5 hours
Facilitator: Katherine
Sunday study group sessions take place once a month
from 1:00PM to 3:30PM EST.
Click here for details on upcoming dates.
Study Group
once a month
2.5 hours
Facilitator: Katherine
Wednesday study group sessions take place once a month
from 6:30PM to 9:00PM EST.
Click here for details on upcoming dates.
Study Group Details
Study group sessions take on a Q&A format. Come prepared with your questions and a willingness to actively participate in the conversation. Base your questions on content found on the site, including the material in the News Updates and the podcast episodes, in the conversations on Telegram, in your private sessions, as well as the recordings of the Quantum Dojos and other workshops and events you attend.
Join one study group to enrich your monthly metaphysical practice. Join both study groups to intensify your examination of the invisible Architecture of life.
The study groups Serve one purpose: to support you in accessing greater clarity for yourself as you transcend the illusion.
Once you subscribe to a study group, you are automatically included in that group. The Zoom details and all upcoming session dates are emailed to you, along with your confirmation of subscription. All sessions are recorded. The recordings of all sessions you attend are made available in your private portal for continuing study. If you miss a study group session while you have an active subscription, that recorded session is made available for your review in your portal. Your subscription renews monthly. You can pause or cancel your subscription at any point.
There is no prerequisite to join a study group.

Celestial Wind that either carries or Guides or pushes or forces a Being to its apex; an Attribute of Atmospheric Influence; a representation of Divine Intervention
ORIGIN: to carry forward
What are you willing to change?
the lofty and the extraordinary won’t help you here
overextending yourself, overpromising yourself, and indulging in hope will only mire you in more debt
be careful when you answer this prompt, for it is either representative of an impending liberation or an invitation to suppress yourself
identify one thing in your life that you are willing to change
once you’ve done that, the only thing left is to put that change into practice
Consider posting your reflections here on what surfaces for you.
What’s New?
Mastery is very much a part of the New. I get that it’s not a new concept. I get that it’s one of those overused and tarnished words that people have married with the mind. Just as the mind cannot help you enter into the experience of the New, neither can a diminished conceptualization of Mastery.
Provector is the word this month. It is the feature for an important reason and that reason is tied to the function that Mastery has in the New. To examine the significance of Provector, it benefits us to take a few steps back. Let’s do that together. Let’s begin at how life happens.
Very generally, and very broadly speaking, we can have the option to Design our life before we live it. In the process of Life Design, we establish many commitments detailing the things that we agree to do and the things we agree not to do in the life. All of these commitments are formulated into Contracts.
There is a very particular kind of Contract that can be included in a Life Design but it’s not the kind of Contract that everyone has the option to establish. This particular Contract is called the Sacred Contract. The main difference between the Sacred Contract and all other Contracts within a Life Design is that the Sacred Contract is only available to those who have cultivated a minimum baseline level of Mastery in any area of specialization in which the individual cultivates Mastery. Again, we’re speaking generally and broadly but it’s important to have this light touch as we start off our conversation.
Mastery is cultivated through a process. The outcome of attaining Mastery is the receipt of something called an Attribute. Attributes are activated aspects of G-D. What does that mean? Well, first of all, it means that Mastery is a big deal. It takes a looooong “time” to cultivate and involves passing many Initiations, which are basically like invisible challenges that test our capacity to represent and embody various degrees of Mastery with integrity. It also means that the attainment of Mastery activates within us an aspect of G-D that was previously dormant.
If an individual decides to enter into a Sacred Contract during the process of Life Design, they are given the option to include one or more of their Attributes in their Design. These Attributes are held within the Soul and remain in close proximity to the individual once they deploy into embodiment.
When an Attribute is included into one’s Life Design, it means that the individual has access to the degree of Mastery represented in their selected Attribute(s) immediately upon birth. There’s a very strategic reason for this: an individual with a Sacred Contract would not be likely to fulfill their Sacred Contract if they had to spend a great deal of their life to first develop Mastery. That’s because a Sacred Contract is quite massive in scope. Since they have already attained Mastery at some point along their multilife journey, they can leverage that achievement by including their Attribute into their Life Design and focus their vitality on the Actualization of their Sacred Contract rather than on preparation to Actualize it.
Attributes come in many different expressions. Sight — in other words, the Ability to See beyond the physical world — is an Attribute. Quantum Architecture — in other words, the Ability to Masterfully craft structures in the Quantum — is another example of an Attribute. Provector is also an example of an Attribute and one that is not as prevalent nor explored by most. Because it is such a potent Attribute, and one that is rarely available on this planet, it’s important we take this opportunity to examine it together for a moment because it’s available to experience in this lifetime.
The concept of the provector/Provector has two interpretations in this world. One of these interpretations is known and familiar within mathematics. The other interpretation is relatively unknown but to a few. As of this moment, you join those few.
Because of the dual expressions of provector/Provector, we can consider this concept as being both exoteric and esoteric. The exoteric interpretation of provector has been explored and is applied within the field of advanced calculus. The esoteric interpretation of Provector is a metaphysical combination of many aspects of Mastery that produce an advanced invisible Ability.
My etymological research into what Provector means initially plummeted me down a mathematical rabbit hole of such advanced concepts of absolute differential calculus, that I could hardly make sense of any of my discoveries. As challenging as it was to continue with the process, I Knew that there were established mathematical concepts that I had to grasp, albeit with novice capacity. I Knew that I would be deconstructing the components of this Attribute one day, in order to appreciate its expression of the marriage of mathematics and metaphysics.
You may be please to hear that this is not the day that I will be deconstructing Provector using mathematics. It is the day, however, in which I speak out more publicly about this Attribute, its nature, and purpose in this monumental life.
In Sanskrit, provector is the word pravaha-vāyu (a technical term used in ancient Indian sciences such as astronomy, mathematics, and geometry). In Hindi, pravaha refers to the flow of the breath, while Vāyu is the name of the wind god. Our past points to the existence and acknowledgement of the Presence of this ethereal Gift in the world. Why has it remained so esoteric in nature? Why hasn’t it infused into schools across the globe, exposing children of all ages to the potential that exists on the other side of the transcendence of the human experience?
Is it because it wasn’t the time yet for a discussion about the Superhuman to emerge amongst the people? Perhaps timing had something small to do with it, but fundamentally, it is because an Attribute cannot be learned in school — at least not in the way schools work now — nor can it be earned in the experiences of a single lifetime. Perhaps if the curricula in schools acknowledged that the advancement of the individual actually spans many lives, an initial discourse around the nature of Attributes could be had. As it stands now, it is the responsibility of every individual with the potential to excel beyond the human condition to find these Truths for themselves. It is for this reason that I am featuring Provector in this News Update.
The timing is opportune to have this conversation with you, for it is not often that individuals with the Attribute of Provector come to embody upon a planet. The Divine Intervention represented in the Provector is incredibly potent and would be squandered, and even destructive, if wielded in conditions that do not warrant such drastic Intervention.
It is quite often that at the cusp of the transition from one planetary reality to the next, the Provector may make an appearance, although it is not always guaranteed. For instance, at the cusp of the transition from Earth 3 to Earth 4, humanity experienced a devolution. In this case, there was no need to include this Celestial Wind into the pivotal lifetime in which Earth 4 was birthed into form.
The lifetime we share today represents a very different set of circumstances. In this lifetime, some of humanity has the possibility to evolve out of Earth 4 and into Earth 5. It is for these individuals that Provector is made available in this lifetime. It is also for this reason that the Provector is coined the Fourth Wind, for it is the force that has the capacity to lift individuals out of Earth 4 and Guide them to their apex in this lifetime, an apex that resides in 5.
To conceptualize the Attribute of Provector requires an examination of the individual with this Attribute available to them in this life. In particular, it is important to view the individual with this Attribute as representing a complex mathematical equation that exists in the Quantum. In other words, the individual with this Attribute functions as a complex mathematical equation when embodying and applying Provector through their expression. Note that the embodiment and application of the Provector is not an accomplishment that can be achieved from the mind nor from autopilot; there is significant decision making based on the mathematical assessment of nuance that is involved in the process of leveraging this Attribute.
The equation that encompasses the Intervention made available through the Provector consists of formulating (Seeing) and solving (resolving) concentrations of a lack of resolution that exist multidimensionally that are preventing the individual receiving Provector Intervention from moving forward on evolutionary trajectories. They do this through the illumination of relativity and in doing so, expose broadened perspectives of great depth to the individual willing to accept this Intervention. The Power of the Provector is to influence the recipient’s movement toward the apex or pinnacle of their available potential, while drawing the individual away from influences detrimental to their transcendence. From the recipient’s perspective, Working with someone embodying and applying the Provector Attribute is not a comfortable process that keeps them firmly fixed in their familiar; it is a process that requires great will, courage, focus, and openness of heart to move through.
It is not only the individual recipient who is affected by the Provector Intervention. One example of an extended group of recipients can include all of the Soul Families and Lineages with which the individual is associated. Another example includes those who are Served as a result of its influence. In other words, if the Provector Intervention results in the direct recipient rising above existing obstacles that had been preventing their transcendence into unexplored octaves of their capacity to Serve — and thus, to fulfill their Reason for Being — then the recipients of the Actualized Contribution of the recipient of the Provector Intervention also benefit from the Provector Intervention. This, in essence, provides you with two examples of the nature of the atmospheric influence that Provector can have on its recipients.
An individual with the Provector Attribute Works at the level of Contributing to the evolutionary trajectory of a Celestial Being. In our case, we can refer to Gaia as a case study. Gaia’s evolution is dependant upon the evolution of humanity. Because Gaia relies on the evolutionary process of human Beings, the individuals with the Provector Attribute Work directly with Gaia by providing Divine Intervention to humanity. It is also important to note that all Twin Rays have the Provector included in their Attributes for the life in which they walk the journey of the Ray.
This would be an incomplete discourse if I were not to mention the reference to force in the definition of Provector. The application of force can be a part of the function of the Provector. Do please note that this does not often result in more friends for the one embodying the Provector Attribute. If the individual embodying this Attribute Sees benefit or necessity in doing so, they can force this Wind to raise and propel forward the Being in receipt of this Divine Intervention. However, there is no guarantee that the recipient will remain a few steps ahead upon leaving the atmospheric influence of the Provector. This is, again, where great will, courage, focus, and openness of heart to move through and reap the potential of the encounter are of paramount importance.
Because Provector is an Attribute, is cannot be used on oneself. In order to embody and apply this specific aspect of Mastery, its Custodian must be of capacity to hold themselves in Stillness while maintaining steadiness and stability in infinite expanse. They are required to Witness realities in neutrality, compute High level Energetic Math, surrender to not being of any physicalized reality, and recognizing that their life is not one of personal gain; all the while, honouring the finite nature of the physical vessel and the potential of its Sacred purpose in the embodiment of Spirit in form. To embody and apply the Attribute of Provector into the physical navigation of this world, the Being must also be able to perceive and experience multidimensionality, Be individualized, Self Sourcing, and Sovereign.
Know Thy Self takes on many layers of engagement. The degree of nuance with which we are all composed is far beyond the mind’s capacity to comprehend. The ego has no place in this discourse. In fact, thought alone could spin the reader out into hubris and doubt.
As you process this introduction to the Attribute of the Provector, Know that you have come across this material for a Reason. What that Reason is can only be accessed from within. Allow these words to Serve as the Wind that Guides you on your journey of Self Study. There is much to do.
BEHIND the scenes
March has been less about technology learning curves and more about establishing momentum through consistency. My linear time has been filled with a variety of practices that I focus on cultivating on a weekly basis, so as to strengthen the Presence of my Consciousness both here and in the Quantum. The timeline of a week is the container I Work within as I cultivate these practices, while I leverage the exercises themselves as catalysts for my own expansion. These practices include intensive meditation up to four times a week of approximately one to two hours at a time, the study of The Transcripts one to three times a week, and flow of Consciousness writing up to three times a week. These are generally the practices that I cultivate in the quiet hours before sunrise.
My meditation practice has expanded far beyond placing focused attention on the breath to calm the mind. This was an important initial step that has transformed into a number of Quantum-based activities in which I engage during ceremonial meditation. Before I share with you what those activities are, allow me to clarify what I mean by “ceremonial meditation.”
The definition of meditation is focused attention. When placing your focused attention on something, you are meditating on it. When we take this to be the meaning of meditation, then a Being in awareness of the moment, with their Consciousness fully inhabiting their physical vessel, and making decisions as Cause is modelling meditation on life itself. So when I refer to “ceremonial meditation,” I’m pointing to those pockets of linear time when I dedicate myself to disengaging from the activities of linearity — while Being fully present in physicality — so as to access expanded aspects of my reality.
One of my practices during ceremonial meditation is to access Divine Sequencing as it relates to me. Divine Sequencing can be understood as the next series of steps available to take in order to live life in alignment with one’s Design. Divine Sequencing presents a roadmap of sorts, highlighting what is to take place next before subsequent events become available and it’s all based on current circumstances. Given how decisions so greatly influence Divine Sequencing, it is possible that every time I Look at my Divine Sequencing, even if Looking takes place daily, the series of steps could be entirely different. This is where agility is a valuable tool to leverage; and, in case you’re wondering, the greatest way to sabotage agility is through the attachment to outcomes. I’m pointing this out to highlight how many Spiritual Muscles are involved in the simple Act of meditation.
This may bring up the question for you of what good Divine Sequencing is if it isn’t a fixed set of instructions that wait for you to take action before they update. To that, I will say that Divine Sequencing does not represent instructions; it represents the potential opportunities available as one surrenders to G-D’s Will. If you surrender, these are the opportunities of getting from A to B, where A is where you find yourself in your reality and B is where you have the potential to go. If you value execution, if you appreciate the practice of Actualizing your Design, developing fluency in accessing Divine Sequencing is Boss Level Game Play.
Witnessing Divine Sequencing is like watching the unfolding of the map of your life. If you are well-versed in the computation of Energetic Math, you can also calculate the cause and effect of every step available in the Divine Sequencing that unfolds before you in meditation and with that, your picture expands to an even bigger landscape. Of course, there is an assumption hidden between the lines here. The assumption is that you Know how to expand to Be bigger than your expanding landscape. If you can’t, overwhelm can hit hard. There’s actually another assumption here as well and that is that you value having access to a Bigger Picture. For those of you who are feeling stuck at the prospect of facing your Bigness and stepping into your Power as Cause, Divine Sequencing may very well simply represent more details that add to your stuckness. This is where is it imperative that you are willing to face yourself and consistently resolve the opportunities that present for you to face. In essence, it’s the only way to transition into 5.
The key with accessing Divine Sequencing is not to seek an answer to a specific question in order to resolve drama that one is experiencing on the stage of life. Divine Sequencing isn’t meant to be used as a shortcut to greater comfort; it’s representative of the Actualization that is to take place in order for fulfillment to be had. When you live life according to your Divine Sequence, you live your fullest life. That in no way means you necessarily live your easiest life, nor does it mean that you disregard others’ wellbeing as you take what’s yours. It simply means that when you surrender to G-D’s Will, Divine Sequencing Guides you Home as you walk the path of least resistance.
When I meditate, I often also bilocate my Consciousness. This means that while my Consciousness is in my body, it is also in other places in the Quantum. No, I don’t travel to Bali or visit my favourite olive tree on the coastline of Greece when I bilocate. I am saving the exploration of Gaia’s beauty for the physical experiences it affords. This does seems like an opportune moment to clarify that when I am accessing Divine Sequencing, I am not bilocating but rather applying the Attribute of Sight to Look at the Sequencing as my Consciousness remains in my physical vessel. When engaging in activities during which my Consciousness is in my body as well as in other places in the Quantum, I am travelling as I am stationary.
When bilocating, I check on my Syzygy Connection and I spend a significant amount of “time” within my Soul. Navigating the geography of the Soul has become a profound experience facilitating my surrender. It is a practice I am prepared to begin sharing with those who stabilize in securing the integrity of their Connection, as evidenced in their monthly Syzygy Check Ins. It is also a topic we can explore during Quantum Dojos, however without a consistent practice of maintaining an unencumbered Connection, we can only go as far as the theory of it.
In addition to the activities I complete before sunrise, my weekly practices also include a variety of physical exercises, red light therapy, and being aware of what nutritional fuels represent optimal energy supply for my vessel on any given day. For example, I notice that when I do a lot of Quantum Work, I require more protein. So on days when we have multiple Syzygy Check Ins, I tend to eat more meat than on days when I am focusing on web development and administrative tasks. Speaking of check ins, on days when we have them scheduled, I add approximately an extra half hour per check in to my morning practices to prepare for these sessions by drawing out the Connections and taking notes to share during the scheduled conversations. Again, I share all of this with you to give you greater clarity on what forming 5 looks like in practice and the level of responsibility we all have to ourselves in this process.
When it comes to continuing to build the business in 5, my focus has continued to be on writing content for the site as I maintain established processes to support the existing offers. Established processes include bookkeeping, marketing, website updates, business strategy and business development, all the while maintaining a pulse on not what it going on in 4/6 as much as how those responsible for forming 5 are progressing. Maintaining awareness of the progress being made in the formation of 5 is important in order to attune to Serving the market by establishing tools and resources to Assist in 5’s formation that address the dynamics of current challenges.
Building momentum in writing continues to be an endeavour, in the sense that there are many instances when writing can feel like an attempt to employ effort rather than an effortless flow of anchoring Divine Intelligence into this world. In these instances when it can feel heavy or when my reality feels intensely pressurized, I remind the mind that it can rest as I return to surrendering.
Product development has also continued to be a focal point of investment throughout the month, although because New initiatives are still in incubation, there aren’t many details available to share with you quite yet. Know that as you build out your own offers, it is essential to Be intolerant to their destruction; particularly if your offers are expressions of your Sacred Contract(s). Decide that you represent their birth and incubate them until they are ready to breathe on their own. Once your expressions of the formation of 5 take shape, they do take on a life of their own as they travel the world in Contribution to the New. Give them a chance to make their impact by incubating them until they are ready to share. This is where delayed gratification can become a potent practice to incorporate into your Sacred Discipline.
Remember, from the vantage point of this life, those who are stepping into 5 are stepping into an unexplored landscape. That is the nature of Being on the cusp of a New world. Allow yourself to unapologetically immerse in the discomfort of the unfamiliar as you courageously redefine what you thought would always be the stable hallmarks of your world.
Everything is changing. If you have decided to transition into the New, then all of the details of what you recognized of life are transforming into unrecognizable expressions. You are asked to do the same as you unabashedly walk your path, unphased by the disruptions, untainted by the challenges. You are by no means alone, even if surrounded by the isolation of Being in the eye of the storm of disturbance taking place around you. As Cause, you get to do this on your terms. Pace yourself, prioritize maintaining steadiness and stability in every moment, and Know that the challenges of the initial stages of formation too shall pass.
The Transcripts
“The Universe has been coined G-D inadvertently by many people who are not aware of what they are saying. And these, of course, are pretexts that are being brought forth from the realities of 4.
“The concept of the Universe has been revered by the mass collective and has been so emphasized in belief systems, that it has entered into the vernacular, the common place vernacular of many societies — even those distinguished by their different, or perceived opposing, belief systems. This concept of the Universe as a governing body has been recognized, to varying limited degrees, by many seemingly contradictory groups.
“In 5, it is no longer of benefit to consider the Universe as anything other than the set of parameters that compose the ways in which cause and effect operate within that container. A Universe is as though a bubble or a pocket of operation or, in other words, a container that holds subsets of realities. In this container, or containment, of existence, every Universe has and is asked to abide by and/or align to specific Universal Laws.
“Every Universe has its own Universal Laws. Universal Laws influence subset Laws of every construct of existence within said Universe. It is relevant for you and anyone forming 5, to appreciate the distinction between Universal Laws and Planetary Laws; in this case, the Laws governing the expressions of Gaia and in particular, the Laws of 5.
“Universal Laws specifically refer to how cause and effect operate within a given Universe. They are overarching in scope. Universal Laws then coexist with the independent and individual Planetary Laws that govern a reality on an experiential plane.
“So, in 4, the perception is that the Universe represents or is synonymous with G-D. People will say, “Oh, I’ll ask the Universe.” “Oh, I will allow the Universe to take care of it.” They pray to the Universe and wait for it to provide. Although a perception not associated with a high cost in 4, this nature of reverence toward the Universe represents extreme violation in 5.
“The way to circumvent the violation of the Universal Laws of cause and effect as they relate to 5 is to appreciate that when interacting with the Universe you are in, you are essentially navigating the mathematics and Mechanics of cause and effect as stipulated by the Governing Laws of said Universe, which are then applied to the Planetary Laws of 5.
“Where Universal Laws focus on cause and effect, Planetary Laws focus on the aligned navigation of physicality within the scope of the expression of the Celestial Being’s given version of itself as a planet.
“Cause and effect is not a Universal Law; it is essentially the instruction manual on how the Quantum Mechanics of a Universe work. When one ceases to revere the Universe, there is greater ease, facility, and effortlessness in navigating Planetary Laws without violating them, especially in a Higher construct like that of 5.”
~ Issachar
May 25, 2023
P.R.I.N.T.E.R. friendly

Study Group
once a month
2.5 hours
Facilitator: Katherine
Sunday study group sessions take place once a month from
1:00PM to 3:30PM EST.
Click here for details on upcoming dates.
Study Group
once a month
2.5 hours
Facilitator: Katherine
Wednesday study group sessions take place once a month from
6:30PM to 9:00PM EST.
Click here for details on upcoming dates.
Study Group Details
Study group sessions take on a Q&A format. Come prepared with your questions and a willingness to actively participate in the conversation. Base your questions on content found on the site, including the material in the News Updates and the podcast episodes, in the conversations on Telegram, in your private sessions, as well as the recordings of the Quantum Dojos and other workshops and events you attend.
Join one study group to enrich your monthly metaphysical practice. Join both study groups to intensify your examination of the invisible Architecture of life.
The study groups Serve one purpose: to support you in accessing greater clarity for yourself as you transcend the illusion.
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Forming 5 · Seeding 8 · Securing 12
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Sacred Contract Retrieval
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A Path to Remembering
Redefine limitation
Sacred Contract Retrieval
Remember why you are here
Updates on the formation of the New
Esoterics of life
Event Listings
Info Sessions, Workshops, Discussion Groups, Group Intensives, Study Groups
Quantum Dojo
Metaphysical Bootcamp
Guided Practice
Metaphysical showcase
©2017-2025 Conversations with Spirit, a division of Remember Inc. All rights reserved. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms, which includes our Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement (updated 10/09/2023). No part of any of the resources and Services available through Remember Inc. and/or its representatives may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, converted, copied, or pirated in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording, simulating, or by other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior written permission of Remember Inc. No content nor Services offered through Remember Inc. and/or its representatives may be repurposed or imitated to any degree for any reasons, in whole or in part. Dishonouring these parameters breaks the mechanism of exchange entered into when engaging with any content and/or Services offered through Remember Inc. Breaking this mechanism of exchange, whether directly or indirectly, accelerates the accumulation of energetic debt, the amount of which is not reconcilable in foreseeable lifetimes.