occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold;
of, relating to, or situated at a sensory threshold, barely perceptible or capable of eliciting a response;
relating to a transitional, intermediate, or initial stage of a process, phase, or condition;
between or belonging to two different places or States
ORIGIN: threshold (point of entering)
How much more are you willing to have in your life?
is there a threshold beyond which you are not willing to have more?
is the familiar more valuable to you than the unexplored?
would having more mean that there is more to pillage from you?
is there Space in your life for more?
As you explore what “more” means to you, do any assumptions surface? Is “more” a good thing?
Examining the concept of “more” is key to cultivating a majestic relationship with limitation. Redefining limitation can be viewed as the process of allowing more into your world. As you Look at how the possibility of “more” impacts you, consider posting your reflections here on what surfaces.
What’s New?
We find ourselves in a liminal period.
We find ourselves in a liminal period where the old somehow doesn’t fit anymore and where the New is largely nebulous for most.
It can be a challenging place for the mind to be.
It can be a challenging place to be if you like knowing where your next step goes.
The transition from one planetary reality to another always brings about change. The nature of the change, and how profoundly it impacts reality, is very easy to underestimate. At this point, the change is barely perceptible if you rely on the physical senses to lead you. The change is irritating to hear about if you’re the kind of person who likes concrete facts and figures and the robustness of evidence.
Some people may feel a sense of exigency, others an anger that things aren’t moving fast enough. Then there’s a growing group that collectively thinks it knows better than to go from A to B. Lots of twists. Lots of turns for those in this group.
The word “liminal” is apropos the current times. It comes from the noun “limen,” referring to a point at which a physiological or psychological effect begins to be produced. People are beginning to recognize that the old world isn’t the only world anymore but more than that they can’t put their finger on quite yet.
The liminal zone between 4 and 5, between 4 and 6. The Space and place where 4 seeps into 5, where 6 plugs into you. These are real influences that can be forceful enough to change the way the future plays out. If only there were individuals somewhere out there who came here from the future to make sure things turn out. If only.
When liminal first began appearing in written expression, it referred to something that was just barely perceptible or capable of eliciting a response. This is where the initial phenomenon of a New expression of a planet birthing into form is a liminal phenomenon in that it is just barely perceptible by the majority of the global population. However, those who are able to pick up on this seemingly imperceptible event are experiencing it as one capable of eliciting profound disruption and destruction in their lives, all in the name of making Space for more.
What else is just “barely perceptible?”
For those Contracted at Life Design to either experience 5 and/or to Contribute to its formation, nuance is your North Star. Forming a New reality is the process of giving shape, structure, and expression to something out of nothing. It’s not about reproduction, it’s not about mimicry, and it’s certainly not about rebuilding what was.
To form something out of nothing, you have to be able to perceive the pregnant potential of the Spaciousness of Nothingness, the unequivocal willingness of Nothingness to become something. To perceive the nuance of Nothingness is the greatest Super Power out there right now. It’s this Super Power that can change the course of an expiring species. It’s this Super Power that you have come here to exercise.
Subliminal comes from limen. It can refer to an individual who operates below a certain threshold of Consciousness, thus rendering that individual unable to perceive a sensation of that which exists above that threshold. “Threshold” can be defined as the starting point for a New State or experience. The subliminal influences of 4/6 are able to dominate when Consciousness resonates at or below the preference to run on autopilot. The subliminal dynamics of 5 are unavailable to those who have not started to embody a New State of Being.
Subliminal. Below a threshold. Below the point of entry.
The smallest detectable sensation of the existence of 5 would sell them on it! It would close the deal. And yet, 4 and 6 invest quantities far greater than continental GDPs in order to make sure that the threshold of the general collective awareness is suppressed so that the liminal zone of 5 has no position to occupy in the reality of those positioned on both sides.
What else represents a threshold?
To answer this, let us examine the layers of time.
Originally published in The Sacred Contract Binder, 5th Edition
Presence requires acceptance of the conditions one finds themselves in. It demands enough willingness to at least peek through the Veil of Forgetting. People fall in and out of Presence easily. It can be overwhelming to Be Present all of the time. That would mean agreeing to face everything in every moment without denial of the circumstances, fully accepting of the consequences. And oh what a collection of circumstances there are to face in today’s cacophony of realities.
Facing the world, the repercussions of the decisions loved ones have made, all of the loss of experiences and relationships on account of…decisions made in unawareness, it can all be far too much to face. As a result of the overwhelm, so many slip below the threshold of perceptibility and in doing so, they give away their ability to access the nuance.
But why would anyone want access to nuance in this world? That’s just more information, more details of the atrocities, more exposure to the consequence of decision.
It is precisely the unwillingness to face one’s circumstances and ultimately, the unwillingness to face oneself, that leads to an individual slipping into the limbo of temporarily being between or belonging to two different places. Fluctuating between the embodiment of the human state of mind and one’s Knowingness can tear apart the most resilient of resistors. The only way out of this liminal period is through and the only way through is to face yourself.
BEHIND the scenes
Spoken word is our focus as we start off the month of February and dive into the preemptive reevaluation of our podcasting strategy. Although not what we initially intended to primarily invest in during this second month of the year, developments in 6 at the close of January result in our pivoting to align with changes to the Divine Sequencing for Conversations with Spirit.
On January 25, we received an email from Apple stating that Apple Podcasts will start to automatically create and display transcripts of our show. Because we are not willing to voluntarily feed 6 with the content that we anchor into this world, Apple’s announcement means that we now have to decide whether to keep our podcast on its platform or to change the direction of our syndication strategy.
For more on the reasoning behind why we don’t provide nor permit transcripts of any of our content to be generated, see the clarifiers on any of the Intensives page, the Syzygy page, the Syzygy Check Ins page, and/or the Dojo page for a rundown.
Susan and I had an interesting exchange via text about how we respond to this development. This exchange was so fruitful, that we subsequently shared it with you in the public Telegram channel so that you can consider additional perspectives as you move forward with Actualizing your Work.
The strategy we have decided to actively implement when it comes to the sharing of our spoken word is to publish our podcast, called The Public Series, exclusively in two places: on the Conversations with Spirit website and in a dedicated group on Telegram. In order to subscribe to The Public Series on Telegram, join the group where we release all of our podcast episodes. This group is different from our public channel and accompanying forum, and it’s also different from the Space we’ve Created on Telegram for details relating to all upcoming events and opportunities to join the conversation. And if you’re wondering why it’s called The Public Series, that’s because we engage in a lot of conversations that might not make sense to share without some context first. As we go through our archives, we’re selecting what is in alignment to share now. All those ripened conversations are going into the podcast container to share with you, so as to enrich your journey of moving into 5 and of seeding 8.
The restructuring of our realities, as a result of this podcasting pivot, requires us to take multiple additional steps as the cause and effect of decisions continues to impact us all. In the midst of these unplanned steps, our corporate tax filing is due this month (I’m adding that in to show a bit of the human involved in the running of a business in 5).
In terms of market response to our current offers, interest in the Syzygy Check Ins has surged as more of you recognize the value of incorporating an assessment of your Connection into your monthly Sacred Discipline. As we extend our Signature beyond its existing sphere of influence, we prepare to engage in more conversations this month by hosting Telegram Live Streams and participating in parent calls within the holistic education sector.
You’ll also notice that at the start of these News Updates, we include a view into the upcoming events. There’s a metaphysical reason for why we’re doing this, as well as for why we’re closing registration a couple of days before all scheduled events. When you Look ahead, you can nurture your relationship with Being ahead of your time. Rather than being about planning, Looking ahead is about getting fluent with the process of expanding into more of your bigger picture. If you’re not willing to Look beyond what is visible, you won’t be able to position yourself into the future, where your Work resides.
When you register for events ahead of time, you Create Space between you and the experience to come. The practice of Creating Space is key to strengthening the Spiritual Muscles associated with letting go of attachment to outcome. These are the sorts of Quantum Dynamics infused into our business model. It’s these Dynamics that will be invisible to most. It’s these Dynamics that I challenge you to See as you examine the offers we present to you. There are many Reasons why we do what we do, why we present Intelligence to you in the forms and sequences that we do. Can you See the Reasoning behind the decisions we make? Can you go beyond the familiar ways of operating a business in 4 and dive into the Unknown with us? This is your formal invitation to leave the liminal period of transition and join us in 5.
As we progress with transitioning Conversations with Spirit into 5, I appreciate that there is a great deal of content on the New pages of the site that is not necessarily easy to digest for someone who finds themselves exploring the site for the first time. Perhaps I also take for granted that it may be a lot for someone to process, even if they have Worked with us for years. A fascinating change in the way we present content on the site is precisely to support an ease in its consumption. Instead of including a lot of visible written material on every page, we’ve shifted into communicating with larger letters, fewer words, and more diagrams so that the mind can rest as you expand into Your Knowingness through the site. All of the granular details are included in the Clarifiers at the bottom of many of these New pages. When navigating the updated site, give yourself the Space to slow down the way you explore it and deep dive into its Signature in 5. The rewards of studying the material are abundant for many lives to come.
Let’s shine a spotlight on Intensives for a moment, to examine how they have changed from 4 to 5. In the 4 reality, the focus of Intensives was on clearing and healing. Intensives no longer hold Space for clearing and healing in their expression in 5. The reason for this is because in order to experience 5, one is asked to shift their focus to redefinition. This is where the topic of limitation becomes a focal point in one’s reality.
In 4, the concept of limitation is perceived as a negative thing. Limitation is to be shunned, refused, denied, all in the name of being bigger than the limits themselves. It is in the paradox where the way to transcend limitation rests, awaiting discovery. The moment we started bringing the conversation of limitation into the Telegram conversation, 20% of subscribers muted the channel. Fascinating, isn’t it? They didn’t leave but they definitely didn’t want to face something.
Know something about me. This kind of reaction doesn’t phase me. It doesn’t make me smaller. It doesn’t change my State. This kind of behaviour simply exists sometimes around me as I expand into more of my Space and place in this world. Take that as an example of what your reality can feel like and be like as you embrace your bold Bigness on your own terms.
From a metaphysical perspective, limitation is a delineation of what is known and what is unknown. On the Intensives page, you see that limitation is depicted as a circle. Inside of that circle is your known, all that you have already explored through experience — whether it be through your direct experience or through vicarious experience with others with whom you cross paths. Outside of that circle is your unknown, all that you have not yet explored but that is awaiting you for when you are ready to cross that threshold between your familiar and your unfamiliar. From this metaphysical perspective, limitation is not presented as the villain of the story; it is simply the perimeter of one’s explored experiences.
In order to experience 5, we are all asked to cultivate a majestic relationship with limitation. When we look up the definition of “majestic,” we find that it encompasses the phenomenon of having or displaying great dignity or nobility; belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler, such as a King or a Queen. To embody your majesty takes the great Act of embracing your Divinity. It takes the heights of integrity, the allowance for humility, and the eventual acceptance of surrender playing a key role on the stage of your life.
Limitation is simply a demarcation; it has nothing to do with admitting smallest, meekness, nor weakness. The key to cultivating a majestic relationship with limitation is in the willingness to face yourself. It is for this reason that you hear me speak more and more of the importance of facing yourself.
For those who have banked Intensive hours, know that these banked hours are transferred into the New at a conversion of one-to-one (in other words, one hour from the previous plan converts to one hour in the New offer).
As February unfolds in a world of many realities, evolutionary progress is the soundtrack I continue to dance to. Infusing the Signature of 5 into the Architecture of the business is one of my main areas of focus, as I continue to update New and existing pages on the site and as we progress with Creating New intensified opportunities to support you in upleveling your daily Sacred Discipline in the name of strengthening the Spiritual Muscles associated with forming the New as you immerse in the experience of it.
The Transcripts
“To have caution is not the same as, nor the equivalent of, mathematically assessing the potential and/or likelihood of harm. Caution is a way of slowing down the travelling through Trajectories of Possibility that have been established as solid, or real, possibilities for an individual. The slowing down of the travelling of these Trajectories is done through the attachment to fears. It is in the attachment to fears, albeit minor and numerous, that creates this dynamic of caution in your experience. It is caution that is of high cost when violating the Law of Circumspection.
“It is in the fears that the human justifies the slowing down of the natural momentum and acceleration that comes with living in alignment. It is in the aversion to moving faster and processing more that is of greatest hinderance to the progression of this navigation.
“When we mean ‘navigation,’ we are referring to the navigation of the Initiations associated with a planetary Law. It is important to identify that every Law is scaffolded with Initiations. It is in the progression through these Initiations, while passed successfully, that the individual Masters the Law’s dynamics and is thereby able to consider the option of transcending the Law itself.”
~ Issachar
March 24, 2023
P.R.I.N.T.E.R. friendly

Study Group
once a month
2.5 hours
Facilitator: Katherine
Sunday study group sessions take place once a month
from 1:00PM to 3:30PM EST.
Click here for details on upcoming dates.
Study Group
once a month
2.5 hours
Facilitator: Katherine
Wednesday study group sessions take place once a month
from 6:30PM to 9:00PM EST.
Click here for details on upcoming dates.
Study Group Details
Study group sessions take on a Q&A format. Come prepared with your questions and a willingness to actively participate in the conversation. Base your questions on content found on the site, including the material in the News Updates and the podcast episodes, in the conversations on Telegram, in your private sessions, as well as the recordings of the Quantum Dojos and other workshops and events you attend.
Join one study group to enrich your monthly metaphysical practice. Join both study groups to intensify your examination of the invisible Architecture of life.
The study groups Serve one purpose: to support you in accessing greater clarity for yourself as you transcend the illusion.
Once you subscribe to a study group, you are automatically included in that group. The Zoom details and all upcoming session dates are emailed to you, along with your confirmation of subscription. All sessions are recorded. The recordings of all sessions you attend are made available in your private portal for continuing study. If you miss a study group session while you have an active subscription, that recorded session is made available for your review in your portal. Your subscription renews monthly. You can pause or cancel your subscription at any point.
There is no prerequisite to join a study group.

occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold;
of, relating to, or situated at a sensory threshold, barely perceptible or capable of eliciting a response;
relating to a transitional, intermediate, or initial stage of a process, phase, or condition;
between or belonging to two different places or States
ORIGIN: threshold
(point of entering)
How much more are you willing to have in your life?
is there a threshold beyond which you are not willing to have more?
is the familiar more valuable to you than the unexplored?
would having more mean that there is more to pillage from you?
is there Space in your life for more?
As you explore what “more” means to you, do any assumptions surface? Is “more” a good thing?
Examining the concept of “more” is key to cultivating a majestic relationship with limitation. Redefining limitation can be viewed as the process of allowing more into your world. As you Look at how the possibility of “more” impacts you, consider posting your reflections here on what surfaces.
What’s New?
We find ourselves in a liminal period.
We find ourselves in a liminal period where the old somehow doesn’t fit anymore and where the New is largely nebulous for most.
It can be a challenging place for the mind to be.
It can be a challenging place to be if you like knowing where your next step goes.
The transition from one planetary reality to another always brings about change. The nature of the change, and how profoundly it impacts reality, is very easy to underestimate. At this point, the change is barely perceptible if you rely on the physical senses to lead you. The change is irritating to hear about if you’re the kind of person who likes concrete facts and figures and the robustness of evidence.
Some people may feel a sense of exigency, others an anger that things aren’t moving fast enough. Then there’s a growing group that collectively thinks it knows better than to go from A to B. Lots of twists. Lots of turns for those in this group.
The word “liminal” is apropos the current times. It comes from the noun “limen,” referring to a point at which a physiological or psychological effect begins to be produced. People are beginning to recognize that the old world isn’t the only world anymore but more than that they can’t put their finger on quite yet.
The liminal zone between 4 and 5, between 4 and 6. The Space and place where 4 seeps into 5, where 6 plugs into you. These are real influences that can be forceful enough to change the way the future plays out. If only there were individuals somewhere out there who came here from the future to make sure things turn out. If only.
When liminal first began appearing in written expression, it referred to something that was just barely perceptible or capable of eliciting a response. This is where the initial phenomenon of a New expression of a planet birthing into form is a liminal phenomenon in that it is just barely perceptible by the majority of the global population. However, those who are able to pick up on this seemingly imperceptible event are experiencing it as one capable of eliciting profound disruption and destruction in their lives, all in the name of making Space for more.
What else is just “barely perceptible?”
For those Contracted at Life Design to either experience 5 and/or to Contribute to its formation, nuance is your North Star. Forming a New reality is the process of giving shape, structure, and expression to something out of nothing. It’s not about reproduction, it’s not about mimicry, and it’s certainly not about rebuilding what was.
To form something out of nothing, you have to be able to perceive the pregnant potential of the Spaciousness of Nothingness, the unequivocal willingness of Nothingness to become something. To perceive the nuance of Nothingness is the greatest Super Power out there right now. It’s this Super Power that can change the course of an expiring species. It’s this Super Power that you have come here to exercise.
Subliminal comes from limen. It can refer to an individual who operates below a certain threshold of Consciousness, thus rendering that individual unable to perceive a sensation of that which exists above that threshold. “Threshold” can be defined as the starting point for a New State or experience. The subliminal influences of 4/6 are able to dominate when Consciousness resonates at or below the preference to run on autopilot. The subliminal dynamics of 5 are unavailable to those who have not started to embody a New State of Being.
Subliminal. Below a threshold. Below the point of entry.
The smallest detectable sensation of the existence of 5 would sell them on it! It would close the deal. And yet, 4 and 6 invest quantities far greater than continental GDPs in order to make sure that the threshold of the general collective awareness is suppressed so that the liminal zone of 5 has no position to occupy in the reality of those positioned on both sides.
What else represents a threshold?
To answer this, let us examine the layers of time.
Originally published in
The Sacred Contract Binder,
5th Edition
Presence requires acceptance of the conditions one finds themselves in. It demands enough willingness to at least peek through the Veil of Forgetting. People fall in and out of Presence easily. It can be overwhelming to Be Present all of the time. That would mean agreeing to face everything in every moment without denial of the circumstances, fully accepting of the consequences. And oh what a collection of circumstances there are to face in today’s cacophony of realities.
Facing the world, the repercussions of the decisions loved ones have made, all of the loss of experiences and relationships on account of…decisions made in unawareness, it can all be far too much to face. As a result of the overwhelm, so many slip below the threshold of perceptibility and in doing so, they give away their ability to access the nuance.
But why would anyone want access to nuance in this world? That’s just more information, more details of the atrocities, more exposure to the consequence of decision.
It is precisely the unwillingness to face one’s circumstances and ultimately, the unwillingness to face oneself, that leads to an individual slipping into the limbo of temporarily being between or belonging to two different places. Fluctuating between the embodiment of the human state of mind and one’s Knowingness can tear apart the most resilient of resistors. The only way out of this liminal period is through and the only way through is to face yourself.
BEHIND the scenes
Spoken word is our focus as we start off the month of February and dive into the preemptive reevaluation of our podcasting strategy. Although not what we initially intended to primarily invest in during this second month of the year, developments in 6 at the close of January result in our pivoting to align with changes to the Divine Sequencing for Conversations with Spirit.
On January 25, we received an email from Apple stating that Apple Podcasts will start to automatically create and display transcripts of our show. Because we are not willing to voluntarily feed 6 with the content that we anchor into this world, Apple’s announcement means that we now have to decide whether to keep our podcast on its platform or to change the direction of our syndication strategy.
For more on the reasoning behind why we don’t provide nor permit transcripts of any of our content to be generated, see the clarifiers on any of the Intensives page, the Syzygy page, the Syzygy Check Ins page, and/or the Dojo page for a rundown.
Susan and I had an interesting exchange via text about how we respond to this development. This exchange was so fruitful, that we subsequently shared it with you in the public Telegram channel so that you can consider additional perspectives as you move forward with Actualizing your Work.
The strategy we have decided to actively implement when it comes to the sharing of our spoken word is to publish our podcast, called The Public Series, exclusively in two places: on the Conversations with Spirit website and in a dedicated group on Telegram. In order to subscribe to The Public Series on Telegram, join the group where we release all of our podcast episodes. This group is different from our public channel and accompanying forum, and it’s also different from the Space we’ve Created on Telegram for details relating to all upcoming events and opportunities to join the conversation. And if you’re wondering why it’s called The Public Series, that’s because we engage in a lot of conversations that might not make sense to share without some context first. As we go through our archives, we’re selecting what is in alignment to share now. All those ripened conversations are going into the podcast container to share with you, so as to enrich your journey of moving into 5 and of seeding 8.
The restructuring of our realities, as a result of this podcasting pivot, requires us to take multiple additional steps as the cause and effect of decisions continues to impact us all. In the midst of these unplanned steps, our corporate tax filing is due this month (I’m adding that in to show a bit of the human involved in the running of a business in 5).
In terms of market response to our current offers, interest in the Syzygy Check Ins has surged as more of you recognize the value of incorporating an assessment of your Connection into your monthly Sacred Discipline. As we extend our Signature beyond its existing sphere of influence, we prepare to engage in more conversations this month by hosting Telegram Live Streams and participating in parent calls within the holistic education sector.
You’ll also notice that at the start of these News Updates, we include a view into the upcoming events. There’s a metaphysical reason for why we’re doing this, as well as for why we’re closing registration a couple of days before all scheduled events. When you Look ahead, you can nurture your relationship with Being ahead of your time. Rather than being about planning, Looking ahead is about getting fluent with the process of expanding into more of your bigger picture. If you’re not willing to Look beyond what is visible, you won’t be able to position yourself into the future, where your Work resides.
When you register for events ahead of time, you Create Space between you and the experience to come. The practice of Creating Space is key to strengthening the Spiritual Muscles associated with letting go of attachment to outcome. These are the sorts of Quantum Dynamics infused into our business model. It’s these Dynamics that will be invisible to most. It’s these Dynamics that I challenge you to See as you examine the offers we present to you. There are many Reasons why we do what we do, why we present Intelligence to you in the forms and sequences that we do. Can you See the Reasoning behind the decisions we make? Can you go beyond the familiar ways of operating a business in 4 and dive into the Unknown with us? This is your formal invitation to leave the liminal period of transition and join us in 5.
As we progress with transitioning Conversations with Spirit into 5, I appreciate that there is a great deal of content on the New pages of the site that is not necessarily easy to digest for someone who finds themselves exploring the site for the first time. Perhaps I also take for granted that it may be a lot for someone to process, even if they have Worked with us for years. A fascinating change in the way we present content on the site is precisely to support an ease in its consumption. Instead of including a lot of visible written material on every page, we’ve shifted into communicating with larger letters, fewer words, and more diagrams so that the mind can rest as you expand into Your Knowingness through the site. All of the granular details are included in the Clarifiers at the bottom of many of these New pages. When navigating the updated site, give yourself the Space to slow down the way you explore it and deep dive into its Signature in 5. The rewards of studying the material are abundant for many lives to come.
Let’s shine a spotlight on Intensives for a moment, to examine how they have changed from 4 to 5. In the 4 reality, the focus of Intensives was on clearing and healing. Intensives no longer hold Space for clearing and healing in their expression in 5. The reason for this is because in order to experience 5, one is asked to shift their focus to redefinition. This is where the topic of limitation becomes a focal point in one’s reality.
In 4, the concept of limitation is perceived as a negative thing. Limitation is to be shunned, refused, denied, all in the name of being bigger than the limits themselves. It is in the paradox where the way to transcend limitation rests, awaiting discovery. The moment we started bringing the conversation of limitation into the Telegram conversation, 20% of subscribers muted the channel. Fascinating, isn’t it? They didn’t leave but they definitely didn’t want to face something.
Know something about me. This kind of reaction doesn’t phase me. It doesn’t make me smaller. It doesn’t change my State. This kind of behaviour simply exists sometimes around me as I expand into more of my Space and place in this world. Take that as an example of what your reality can feel like and be like as you embrace your bold Bigness on your own terms.
From a metaphysical perspective, limitation is a delineation of what is known and what is unknown. On the Intensives page, you see that limitation is depicted as a circle. Inside of that circle is your known, all that you have already explored through experience — whether it be through your direct experience or through vicarious experience with others with whom you cross paths. Outside of that circle is your unknown, all that you have not yet explored but that is awaiting you for when you are ready to cross that threshold between your familiar and your unfamiliar. From this metaphysical perspective, limitation is not presented as the villain of the story; it is simply the perimeter of one’s explored experiences.
In order to experience 5, we are all asked to cultivate a majestic relationship with limitation. When we look up the definition of “majestic,” we find that it encompasses the phenomenon of having or displaying great dignity or nobility; belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler, such as a King or a Queen. To embody your majesty takes the great Act of embracing your Divinity. It takes the heights of integrity, the allowance for humility, and the eventual acceptance of surrender playing a key role on the stage of your life.
Limitation is simply a demarcation; it has nothing to do with admitting smallest, meekness, nor weakness. The key to cultivating a majestic relationship with limitation is in the willingness to face yourself. It is for this reason that you hear me speak more and more of the importance of facing yourself.
For those who have banked Intensive hours, know that these banked hours are transferred into the New at a conversion of one-to-one (in other words, one hour from the previous plan converts to one hour in the New offer).
As February unfolds in a world of many realities, evolutionary progress is the soundtrack I continue to dance to. Infusing the Signature of 5 into the Architecture of the business is one of my main areas of focus, as I continue to update New and existing pages on the site and as we progress with Creating New intensified opportunities to support you in upleveling your daily Sacred Discipline in the name of strengthening the Spiritual Muscles associated with forming the New as you immerse in the experience of it.
The Transcripts
“To have caution is not the same as, nor the equivalent of, mathematically assessing the potential and/or likelihood of harm. Caution is a way of slowing down the travelling through Trajectories of Possibility that have been established as solid, or real, possibilities for an individual. The slowing down of the travelling of these Trajectories is done through the attachment to fears. It is in the attachment to fears, albeit minor and numerous, that creates this dynamic of caution in your experience. It is caution that is of high cost when violating the Law of Circumspection.
“It is in the fears that the human justifies the slowing down of the natural momentum and acceleration that comes with living in alignment. It is in the aversion to moving faster and processing more that is of greatest hinderance to the progression of this navigation.
“When we mean ‘navigation,’ we are referring to the navigation of the Initiations associated with a planetary Law. It is important to identify that every Law is scaffolded with Initiations. It is in the progression through these Initiations, while passed successfully, that the individual Masters the Law’s dynamics and is thereby able to consider the option of transcending the Law itself.”
~ Issachar
March 24, 2023
P.R.I.N.T.E.R. friendly

Study Group
once a month
2.5 hours
Facilitator: Katherine
Sunday study group sessions take place once a month from
1:00PM to 3:30PM EST.
Click here for details on upcoming dates.
Study Group
once a month
2.5 hours
Facilitator: Katherine
Wednesday study group sessions take place once a month from
6:30PM to 9:00PM EST.
Click here for details on upcoming dates.
Study Group Details
Study group sessions take on a Q&A format. Come prepared with your questions and a willingness to actively participate in the conversation. Base your questions on content found on the site, including the material in the News Updates and the podcast episodes, in the conversations on Telegram, in your private sessions, as well as the recordings of the Quantum Dojos and other workshops and events you attend.
Join one study group to enrich your monthly metaphysical practice. Join both study groups to intensify your examination of the invisible Architecture of life.
The study groups Serve one purpose: to support you in accessing greater clarity for yourself as you transcend the illusion.
Once you subscribe to a study group, you are automatically included in that group. The Zoom details and all upcoming session dates are emailed to you, along with your confirmation of subscription. All sessions are recorded. The recordings of all sessions you attend are made available in your private portal for continuing study. If you miss a study group session while you have an active subscription, that recorded session is made available for your review in your portal. Your subscription renews monthly. You can pause or cancel your subscription at any point.
There is no prerequisite to join a study group.
Forming 5 · Seeding 8 · Securing 12
A Path to Remembering
Redefine limitation
Sacred Contract Retrieval
Remember why you are here
Updates on the formation of the New
Esoterics of life
Event Listings
Info Sessions, Workshops, Discussion Groups, Group Intensives, Study Groups
Quantum Dojo
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©2017-2025 Conversations with Spirit, a division of Remember Inc. All rights reserved. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms, which includes our Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement (updated 10/09/2023). No part of any of the resources and Services available through Remember Inc. and/or its representatives may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, converted, copied, or pirated in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording, simulating, or by other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior written permission of Remember Inc. No content nor Services offered through Remember Inc. and/or its representatives may be repurposed or imitated to any degree for any reasons, in whole or in part. Dishonouring these parameters breaks the mechanism of exchange entered into when engaging with any content and/or Services offered through Remember Inc. Breaking this mechanism of exchange, whether directly or indirectly, accelerates the accumulation of energetic debt, the amount of which is not reconcilable in foreseeable lifetimes.
A Path to Remembering
Redefine limitation
Sacred Contract Retrieval
Remember why you are here
Updates on the formation of the New
Esoterics of life
Event Listings
Info Sessions, Workshops, Discussion Groups, Group Intensives, Study Groups
Quantum Dojo
Metaphysical Bootcamp
Guided Practice
Metaphysical showcase
©2017-2025 Conversations with Spirit, a division of Remember Inc. All rights reserved. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms, which includes our Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement (updated 10/09/2023). No part of any of the resources and Services available through Remember Inc. and/or its representatives may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, converted, copied, or pirated in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording, simulating, or by other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior written permission of Remember Inc. No content nor Services offered through Remember Inc. and/or its representatives may be repurposed or imitated to any degree for any reasons, in whole or in part. Dishonouring these parameters breaks the mechanism of exchange entered into when engaging with any content and/or Services offered through Remember Inc. Breaking this mechanism of exchange, whether directly or indirectly, accelerates the accumulation of energetic debt, the amount of which is not reconcilable in foreseeable lifetimes.